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Funny People Lurking (Closet Encap'ers)

November 5 2004 at 12:29 AM
Derek Beyer  

aint it hilarious when you see ppl post on the other forums about Encap?

ya know the type, they think HWE is the ONLY way to get carpets clean. then they try Encap and are blown away!

but when they post in front of their peers about it they say funny things like, "boy i Encap'ed for the 1st time last week, the commercial carpet that i have HWE'ed for years never looked so good! of course i am a HWE to the core, and we all know that Encap is NOT cleaning...(blah blah blah)"

lol, i guess peer pressure happens over the internet to .
there are always leaders and followers.

thanx --- Derek.

Mike Greene

Re: Funny People Lurking (Closet Encap'ers)

November 5 2004, 6:39 PM 

If they consider HWE as the only way to clean, why would they even waste their precious time trying out encap?


Jay Schonts

Re: Funny People Lurking (Closet Encap'ers)

November 6 2004, 2:46 PM 


(whisper) it's because they were getting lack luster results with HWE. Mostly on comm.

pssst. i used to be a HWE zealot. Now I do like Joe Montana says. "Mix it up and have some fun."

mental note. Order more pads asap


Re: Funny People Lurking (Closet Encap'ers)

November 8 2004, 3:41 PM 

Seen a non believer at Connections. Rick was talking to him about the system. When there was a break in their conversation, I approached Rick to introduce my self, have never met Rick before, and my business partner. The non believer asked if we used this method while we owned a TM. Told him yes, I have a Boxxer 427 and Drew runs a 470 Maxx. I hope we helped Rick sell him a good way to clean commerical carpet.

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

Current Topic - Funny People Lurking (Closet Encap'ers)
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