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Marketing material?

November 11 2004 at 10:47 PM

Hello everyone,
Would anyone care to share some of their marketing items related to Cimex/Releasit/ encap. I have Ricks sheet that he provides(thanks Rick) but i would like to see what others are using. We are aggressively targeting more nursing homes and retirement homes and the biggest question they have is ..where is all the dirt going? it seems like a hard concept for people to grasp, especially when you first go over an area and they see the huge difference. They can understand that the residue will dry to a crystal state and be vacuumed away the next day, but they always ask about the immediate results when demoed. Any suggestions or literature?
Thanks Jerry

Jerry Smit
Deep Clean Carpet Cleaning
Commercial & Residential


Re: Marketing material?

November 11 2004, 11:05 PM 

Hello Jerry! I havent a lot of experience in encapping, but I do encap a 75,000 sq. ft. retirement home as part of a maintenance program. I too found it difficult to explain the concept of encapsulation to the average layperson, so what I do is POSTVACUUM every encap job I do. I know that its basically doing nothing as the carpet is still damp, but it helps them to think that Im vacuuming up the crystalized soil. As they become more confident in my cleaning procedure(or me confident that they're confident), then I may do away with the post-vacuuming. Just a thought. Sure it takes a little more time, but it helps me.


Re: Marketing material?

November 11 2004, 11:21 PM 

thanks Heath,
I have some large bids out there right now. They will be done over a couple of days and I plan on having one of my helpers do nothing but post vacuum the previous days cleanings just to show the "extraction". Still seems a hard sell to some people. They are so used to HWE on commercial. I also am considering maybe a bonnet post encap after the Cimex, maybe? I love bidding them though.. I can be half of HWE and get some serious consideration from the board. Right now I am anywhere from .12 to.17 ft for Cimex.

Jerry Smit
Deep Clean Carpet Cleaning
Commercial & Residential



November 12 2004, 8:47 AM 

I think post bonneting encap is a great idea Jerry. Ive considered this myself. Since you have a helper, he/she may as well have something to do while your Cimexing and bonneting it in seems like a good final touch to it. Let me/us know how it goes with that.

Derek Beyer

Re: RE.

November 12 2004, 11:12 AM 

at least 70% of the time ppl dont ask "where is the dirt going" because they dont know the process....they say stuff like "boy i'd hate to see how dirty that water is ..." or something similar, i just laugh and say "yeah". often times i talk too much and get them to ask "where is the dirt going?" then i have to try and explain it away. the cleaning technique as we all know is solid, but a small percentage of prospects (at least for myself) have a hard time comprehending it. by and large, the demo speaks for itself and that is all they care about.

so i try not to talk too much, be honest, and answer they're questions.

make sure your careful about post-vac'ing on damp could make more of a mess with your feet and dragging your vac over it lol

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, Jerry, do a SEARCH for marketing material...look for threads with Jim Wolverton in them. copy his and Ricks info down and edit it to fit your own biz.

now your all set

best regards.

Current Topic - Marketing material?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS