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And Excellent place to get Cimex encap biz.....

November 11 2004 at 11:29 PM

My wife and I took the evening and went to the mall in nearby Little Rock to do some clothes shopping. As always, my head is always on the ground, inspecting the carpet in every department store we go in. Im sure most people think Im some kind of insecure freak always looking at the floor like that. But anyway, I was shocked at how soiled some of the carpets were. A perfect place for a Cimex owner to drum up some business I thought. I went into 3 stores and gave my business card and a brief sales pitch about dry times and no hoses and stuff. Booked one job and "I'll give this to my manager, she's been talking about getting the carpet cleaned!" on another. I may have to go visit that place during the day when the manager is working. The last one I told that I would give a free demo on one of the traffic areas while I was cleaning next door. "If we like the work and decide to hire you, can you just clean the whole store that day?" is what I got. I just had to share.....the mall is a perfect place for some encapping since you cant get TM hoses in there. Im gonna go back and see if I can also demo a few of the bigger stores like Dillards, JC Penney's, etc. while Im there.


Re: And Excellent place to get Cimex encap biz.....

November 12 2004, 9:00 AM 

Most of the stores in our local malls have all gone to hard surface flooring, not a lot of carpet to be seen


Re: And Excellent place to get Cimex encap biz.....

November 12 2004, 9:06 AM 

almost all retail stores around here in malls are contracted with a MMM. They are offering between 4-8 cents/ft for carpet.



Re: And Excellent place to get Cimex encap biz.....

November 21 2004, 4:06 AM 

Since coming home from Connections, I also have been checking out sites that a Cimex would handle.

I fully agree with what you have said about shopping malls, (we call them shopping centres).

Also long hotel/resort corridors, airports, etc;

The mind boggles when you compare, how you can turn the tables on the equipment I have been mainly using all these years, HWE.

I currently use an Orbiter and get excellent reults using Releasit in several 'mall' shops.

Can't hardly wait for Delia's Christmas present of a new Cimex.



Current Topic - And Excellent place to get Cimex encap biz.....
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS