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Thank you from Shorty @ Connections

November 12 2004 at 4:12 PM

Posted By Shorty Glanville on 11/12/2004 at 3:48:56 PM

After a twelve hour flight from Honolulu to Cairns, I finally got home about 01:30 Friday morning.
Without a doubt, the most beneficial part of this trip for me, was the Leather Restoration course with Tony Wheelwright.

An excellent, value for money course that I would recommend for anyone serious about Leather RESTORATION.

Meeting Lisa & Greenie, along with Bernie Roybal and his son was an invaluable experience.

Had a terrific time at Connections and especially putting faces to names.

I would like to thank all you guys and gals, that took the time to introduce yourselves to me and talk for a while.

Especially Gary Heacock, Rick Gelinas, Jamie Nape, Jeff Cross, Lonnie McDonald, Larry Cobb, Bill Yeadon, Joey Pickett, Tim Baker, Jim Eckman, Paul from the U.K. and so many others.

Lisa Wagners rug class was superb, waiting for those cd’s to come out next week.

Lonnie McDonald’s leather cleaning also was not to be missed. Another under-utilised service for PROFESSIONAL cleaners.

Thanks also to the organisers of Connections04.

Because of Connections04 and Harry Hides, my business is now going to be re-structured to an even more life style friendly business.

On my Chrissy; shopping list is a Cimex, with a Power Clean on the wish list, maybe next year.

Thank you to all that attended for making it such a memorable event.


Shorty from Down Under.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thank you from Shorty @ Connections

November 12 2004, 4:43 PM 

It was great to meet you Shorty! One of the high points for me. And thanks for the Shorty hat too! All the best to ya Down Under!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Thank you from Shorty @ Connections
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