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Staples in carpet

November 15 2004 at 10:38 PM
Jeff Cutshall  

Hey Guys,
I haven't posted in awhile but I was cleaning a very low level loop commercial carpet tonight that had several embedded staples in it. With the foam I didn't realize that 3 or 4 had worked there way into the fiberplus pads. Unfortunately it left some pretty deep scratches in the carpet. I have my fingers crossed that the lines/slight separations will blend in when it dries. I've been using the Cimex regularly for almost a year now and have never had this happen. From now on I'm going to be checking the pads a little closer when I see embedded staples. Has anyone else ever had this happen?
Jeff Cutshall

Derek Beyer

Re: Staples in carpet

November 16 2004, 1:40 AM 

in only 7 months or so of Cimex'ing, i have only found a 2 or 3 staples in the pads and fortunately didnt have a problem like you describe. thanx alot for the heads up Jeff!

i think it helps that i am typically a pretty anal pre-vacuum'er (least my wife thinks so). but heck, i could easily miss a little staple and have a problem like anyone else can.

thanx --- Derek.

Darren Darner

Hey Jeff

November 16 2004, 12:13 PM 

Just figures doesn't it? Hate it when that stuff happens. Thanks for talking me into a Cimex - love it!! I'll have to pay more attention to staples myself - thanks for the warning. Hope everything turns out OK


Jeff Cutshall

Re: Hey Jeff

November 16 2004, 5:41 PM 

Hey Darren,
You're welcome. Well it looks like it turned out ok after all. I talked to the supervisor this morning and she said there was a faint line there but when it dried it wasn't very noticeable. The customer didn't say anything.
I do normally vacuum but when I got there the janitor was just finishing up vacuuming and I was just spotting a few spills anyway. The staples wouldn't have came out with normal vacuuming though. They were very embedded in the carpet. I got away with it this time. It could have been a disaster though.
Take care guys
Jeff Cutshall



November 16 2004, 10:58 PM 

Very nice of you to give us the warning on this. I guess its just one of those things that happens. It sounds like its just a case of sh1t-house luck to me. Glad to hear it turned out ok!

Current Topic - Staples in carpet
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