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ISSA Bound

November 15 2004 at 11:33 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Nancy and I will heading for the airport early in the morning for the huge ISSA show in New Orleans.

This show is the Goliath of cleaning related events. There will be suppliers from all around the world present. It will even have George Bush Sr as a speaker (not sure what light he'll be shedding on the cleaning industry) LOL.

Truvox/Cimex will be there. I will be located in that booth. It should be fun. I hope to see some of you there.

BTW Beth and Karina will be in the office while we're away, so if you need anything they'll take good care of you.

Talk to you in a few days.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode

Re: ISSA Bound

November 16 2004, 1:00 AM 

Have a great time. Wish I could join you guys. Vegas was fun!

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

Derek Beyer

Re: ISSA Bound

November 16 2004, 1:44 AM 

wowser, i didnt know this show was that big a deal! i thought connections was lol. wish i could go.

i was in a local supply shop ordering that Unger 18" window thing-a-muh-bob today, and the gal on the phone was talking to someone who was going there....i tried to act all big like i knew all about it, thinking they'd maybe be impressed enough to give me a break on the price....didn't work

Davo Flores

corn, corn, corn

November 16 2004, 6:11 AM 

Was all set-up to go and Diane came down with Shingles. Was looking forward to meeting some of the "giants" of the industry such as RG.

They are not the giant shows of the past when companies got "junkets" together for top distributors and paid your way. But it is still the BIG ONE.

RG, if you hear someone screaming in booth 10 it is because I told a HWE supply guy that you were at booth 10. He said he was going to bop you, some philisophical matter or something. Re-read you are booth 110! I can't get him on the phone to tell him.

Corn, corn, corn.


Re: ISSA Bound

November 17 2004, 2:03 PM 

Would have thought that the Canadian Master Distributor would have been at this very important show.

Rick Thode

Re: ISSA Bound

November 19 2004, 10:01 PM 

You'd almost think I should have gone. I was at Connections and very few Canadians showed up. Heck, even you Don didn't go to either one, So you would have to believe that it would have been a wasted trip if even you wouldn't go as far as canadian sales go. LOL.

It seems that even the guys from Canada that like to stay on top of the industry seldom go to the US shows for some reason.

My theory is that thanks to the internet, traveling to these far away shows to see what's going on is seldom necessary.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Re: ISSA Bound

November 21 2004, 9:38 AM 

Wrong! If you need to see what is going on in the industry than going to the States is the place to be.

If you are only marketing to Carpet Cleaners than staying home makes sense.

If you are after the the JanSan industry than the ISSA is the show to be at.

Current Topic - ISSA Bound
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