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Re accuring coffee stain

November 17 2004 at 9:19 AM

Got one I've encapped 3 times now. last time with Punch. looks good for a couple days than comes back. I have a porty but no water claw. Will it be better to try and rince it out ? cold or hot?


Davo Flores

Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 17 2004, 11:40 AM 

We use our portable cold or hot, depends if I can find a strong circuit. Suck it up real good, spray on some Releasit and go over it with a cotton bonnet. Seems to do real well. I am sure the experts have a better, finesse approach as we only do trashed commercial carpets as part of a monthly cleaning service.

Derek Beyer

Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 17 2004, 12:38 PM 

that sounds like a great approach.

if you dont have a HWE spotter, maybe post pad it like Davo mentioned, to help it dry faster.

you can also try Brown out or a tannin remover.

another thing i used to do was : if you clean this spot at nite, go over it with whatever method you want, then take a clean white towel, fold it over and over again and place it on the spot (or where the spot was). now place something heavy on top of that towel (nothing metal though as this might rust the bottom of it, maybe some thing plastic like a pail full of something) and leave it there. as the spot wicks to the surface, it will wick directly into the towel. i always had great success with this. but it has to stay there for least overnite. if you can leave it for a day or 2 that's even better.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 17 2004, 4:58 PM 

Get a proper coffee stain remover spray it on and walk away

Some of these products are a two part system, others are ready to use. They contain peroxide so use them according to manufacturers directions.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 21 2004, 12:48 AM 

If it's a brown stain you may need to use a coffee stain remover as suggested above.

But it sounds like what you're describing is a recurring spill stain, as opposed to a browning condition from coffee. Here's the way that we eliminate recurring spills. If you'll carefully follow these directions you ought to be able to correct most recurring drink spill stains. I hope this tip will help you solve your problem Brian...

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 21 2004, 9:33 AM 

DSC has aproduct called Desolve spray it on, allow a few minutes of dwell time, go over with your Cimex and what ever encap product you use end of stain!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 21 2004, 10:10 AM 

Desolve is one of the better coffee stain removing products. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find a better chemical company than DSC straight across the board. Good products by good people.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 21 2004, 11:33 PM 

dang! another post recommending us to buy from another spotter "competitior"'re losing it Rick!

thanx --- Derek


Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 22 2004, 10:35 AM 

Thats the method I've used twice now Rick.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re accuring coffee stain

November 22 2004, 7:43 PM 

If it's not working Brian, then there must be a lot of residue at the base. If it's coming back brown, use a coffee stain remover. If it's coming back gray, then you'll need to repeat the process above...

Really scrub it aggressively and keep it practically dry. Then apply a few squirts of the strong mix of Releasit Encap-Clean. This will take care of any spill problem 99% of the time.

I hope you get it worked out.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Re accuring coffee stain
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS