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Canadian Distribution

November 19 2004 at 2:25 PM

Rick, Have a gallon of your Releasit just a couple thoughts.
You need to get new labels with English and French WHIMS requirements on the bottle, as well as, French instructions.
At the same time you need new MSDS sheets that meet Canadian requirements, again you will need them in both English and French. It is better you do this before the friendly folks from the Canadian Government force you to do so.

Lee Senter


November 19 2004, 7:39 PM 

I have heard a lot about Releasit, but it is totally against the law to sell here without all the WHMIS laws and CEPA laws being complied with.
I know of a competiter of this product who is currently having the necessary research being done to sell their product here..
You see in Canada we don't go along with the old "trust me, its safe" attitude.
Don can you forward me the info?

Rick Thode

Re: well

November 19 2004, 9:31 PM 

I was under the understanding that the paper work was all in order. thank you for letting me know. I will definitely be looking into this on Monday and I will let you know.

This would not be the first time this happened. When I was selling John Geurkink's Abstraction products, they also did not have the proper MSDS etc. But now since our company is also 1st Enviro Safety of Canada, and we manufacture the Abstraction products for John Geurkink we sell the same product in its more concentrated form in Canada under our own label and we have gone through the process of getting the product Canadian MSDS's for our product labels.. The great thing about getting them up here is that they cost a lot less than getting them from the US.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Rick Gelinas

Re: well

November 20 2004, 11:55 PM 

You'll notice that each Releasit product already has the more detailed 16 section MSDS sheets for international trade, as opposed to the shorter versions of the forms that are required in the US.

On a side note, while we're talking about the safety aspects of Releasit, the only ingredient in the product that's been sold in Canada thus far that will even classify as hazardous on an MSDS sheet is Isopropyl Alcohol. In fact Releasit is a lot safer than a good number of the household cleaning products that we have under our sinks at home.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode

MSDS required please

November 21 2004, 12:19 AM 

Thank you Rick:

Can you email me the detailed MSDS sheets for all the product line.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada.


Rick Gelinas

Re: MSDS required please

November 21 2004, 12:36 AM 

Their already available on the website. You can go to the website and click onto the "Purchase" page. You'll see each product listed. You can download and save each MSDS as a pdf file.

Rick Gelinas


Re: MSDS required please

November 21 2004, 9:11 AM 

Don't see the French version of your MSDS sheets.
Need that plus labels on bottles must be in both English & French

John Geurkink


November 23 2004, 7:00 PM 

According to 1st Enviro Safety, Rick you are not 1st Enviro Safety of Canada, also you do NOT make any products for me or my company. I don't understand that comment at all. Also you do not sell the same chemical, you may make up a version of chemical, but you do not make Abstraction for us nor like us.

Thank you.

John G.

Rick Thode

Your a funny guy John

November 24 2004, 2:04 PM 

Your a funny guy John, who wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the end of the nose. Now I know for sure what others say about you to be true in regards to your credability.

FOR THE RECORD. You buy your Abstraction TLC, VLM & UROUT from 1st Envirosafety in Florida. It is a diluted version of Carpet 123 & Dirt Delete, with your name and label on it. You are correct, "I" do not sell the product to you, but Don & Ted do.

I am partnered up with 2 gentlemen from Ontario who officially are 1st Envirosafety for Canada. So, I guess you got me on that one, sort of. You can believe or profess whatever you want, the reality remains the same.

Deny, Deny, Deny, I'm sure it's not a Kentucky thing. It must be just a John G thing.

You enter into an agreement with me to market your product and machines exclusive for Canada and then you sell direct to my customers. (just so you know, I still have a copy of that email). If you would only live by your word, we could have had a good thing going, but I guess some people just get greedy and miss the big picture. So I choose to bring in the entire product line of 1st Enviro and market it. I would have never revealed the connection until you choose to sell direct to my customers. In fact, you will notice I only sold and purchased from you, Abstraction VLM & TLC until you chose to do this, even though I knew I had the product available at a much lower cost to me. In fact, I still have some remaining labels that I got from you once we stopped selling your diluted products. As I will not use your product names if I am not buying the product from you, and if you want them back, I will be happy to send them back and you only have to pay the freight.

Anyways, I will not join you in one of your hissy fits. This is the only post I will put on this board to respond to you as I am sure that you will attempt to justify your actions. My position is clear and I have no more to say on this matter.

Have a good day and I wish you all the continued success you deserve.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

John Geurkink

Excuse me

November 24 2004, 6:46 PM 

Don't know what you are so excited about Rick, I am not in a habit of waiting almost a YEAR for payment of what a man sells, plus one who barely sells anything.

As to the WHEN, don't think me a fool, you and Rick went down there LOOONG before I kicked you out as a distributor, I know because I talked to 1st Envro that day you were there.

As for what I make, NO I do not make the same things you do, never have. Ted and Don can VERIFY that.

Deny? Why deny BS, just hopefully you will PAY for what you get from Rick.

John G.

Current Topic - Canadian Distribution
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS