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How long are dry times

November 19 2004 at 3:58 PM

Just wondering how long it takes for carpet to dry with encapsulation.



Re: How long are dry times

November 19 2004, 4:33 PM 

Longer than they will tell you.


Re: How long are dry times

November 19 2004, 4:36 PM 

Between 2 and 3 hours in most buildings, anything faster requires real good air flow



Re: How long are dry times

November 19 2004, 10:09 PM 

Put fans out while you are cleaning and it is around 2-3 hours.

Derek Beyer

Re: How long are dry times

November 20 2004, 12:48 AM 

"they" said it best...agreed.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: How long are dry times

November 21 2004, 12:02 AM 

The average that we see in Florida is generally around 2 hours. Regarding the Florida climate: The relative humidity is very high here, often 98% However the buildings are also air conditioned, so that brings the humidity down as it sucks the moisture out of the building and provides air flow. So this is the environment that I base our average dry time of 2 hours, and this average is pretty consistent.

Rick Gelinas


Re: How long are dry times

November 21 2004, 1:30 PM 

2-4 hours with fans, 3-6 hours without when using shower feed.

when prespraying, 1-2 hours with fans, 2-4 hours without.



Rick Gelinas

Re: How long are dry times

November 21 2004, 2:43 PM 


May I respectfully say - it looks as if you're using too much solution. Those dry times are too high.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: How long are dry times

November 21 2004, 11:29 PM 

i am generally getting around 3 hours.

that said, thanx for your post Rick as it reminds me i am using too much solution.

hmmm, strange that you would recommend us to use less of your product. then you make less money.....does not compute.

thanx --- Derek

Donald- Eldred

Re: How long are dry times

November 22 2004, 8:07 AM 

Don't worry about the supplier the system uses tons of detergent even when applied according to their directions.
No other system uses as much detergent as encap cleaning


Re: How long are dry times

November 22 2004, 8:35 AM 

I have found at times I'm not putting enough stuff in the water, and it takes more to get a foam going. But I'm coming out right about 3-400' per gallon.


Derek Beyer

Re: How long are dry times

November 23 2004, 12:40 AM 

hehe i'm not worried mr. Eldred, you've pointed out your feelings on that plenty.

uh-oh, hope this thread doesnt become the 2nd longest in Encap forum history lol

thanx --- Derek.


Re: How long are dry times

November 24 2004, 8:55 PM 

Hummm.....Maybe I'm not using enough chemical. I average 1 hour or less.But in fairness the humidity is very low out here in the west. 15-20%.

Current Topic - How long are dry times
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