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November 25 2004 at 8:10 AM

Move over encap cleaning, according to Ruth Travis with this new STE system, "no one will need to make up theoretical stories as to where the soil goes after cleaning"
When we get Travis and Bishop promoting a system look out, bound to be mill approved before the machines even hit the market place.
Take note Cimex it is not the system that is approved, but how is behind the system that gets it approved.

Charles Carlisle

STE... and VS

November 25 2004, 9:23 AM 

Isn't "STE" what Von Schrader have been doing all along with their Mach-12? Seems that their machine does the same thing as Ruth Travis explains about the Tennant machine: cylindrical nylon brushes, machine is some 22" wide, 10,000 sq ft per hour of open carpet production rates, 12 gallon tank etc. Only difference seems to be the weight (600lbs!), the refill capacity which is larger and current vs battery operated.

Other than that, VS have been extracting for a while now. And I believe their detergents qualify as encapsulation detergents to boot, even though they are extracted anyway for good measure.

I am fairly sure that no-one would claim their cc "system" better or about another. Different yes, able to do certain things better, sure, fond favorites of many, perhaps, but I never thought encap would replace anything just as STE doesn't "replace" anything. No one method does everything and we should know about them - if not have these tools available in our arsenal.

Perhaps I'm misreading the last post, but I detect a "tone" in there that has become familiar to us readers in the past week or so. So, Don, have you seen STE - and are you sure you think it would "replace encap"?



November 25 2004, 10:06 AM 

Don, I don't understand you.It seems like you are always trying to make waves. Do you use the cimex?


Rick Gelinas

And then again

November 25 2004, 10:56 AM 

Sometimes endorsements don't have as much to do with how well a system works as we'd like to think. It's a well proven public relations tactic to team your product with celebrity endorsement (or in this case a couple of industry leaders). I can't help thinking that aligning their new product with a couple of industry spokespersons was a brilliant PR move for Tennant. BTW we're going to hire Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan to endorse Releasit

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer


November 25 2004, 12:33 PM 

"Sleepless on my Cimex"

I think Don was being facetious. from other posts of his i think he is irritated by mill approval / iicrc endorsement because of things getting promoted over others because of the politics of it all, not because of how the machine actually works, ie: the Cimex.

lemme know if i'm way off base here Don

thanx and enjoy your day off fellas, i know i am! --- Derek.


Re: hehe

November 25 2004, 3:36 PM 

I use the Cimex Encap system every day of the week.
I was posting to report what Ruth Travis had to say about the new Tennent system and the fact that she stated that "they did not need to manufacture some theoretical stories as to where the soil went." As I read her article it appeared to me to be slamming encap cleaning,and if she and J. Bishop are talking to the mills with these same thoughts than I was curious as to what the mills will think of the encap system. I don't care where the soil goes, the system works and carpets stay clean longer, PERIOD.

Don't ever get me wrong about encap cleaning comments, most are just stirring the pot, and trying to get some action on this board. We have 3 Cimex machines and they are on the go 6 days a week, I am still amazed at the results from this system.

Now the IICRC that's a different thing, when you see me posting negitive posts on this organization I mean it.
One would never know I sat on the Board for 4 years of the IICRC and saw first hand how the wheels turn within this group. Too few control almost everything that happens with the IICRC, yes I know a few are trying to change that but have you ever knocked your head against a cement wall, well that's what happens when you try to change the control of the IICRC. Thank God there a few people on the Board who are there for the good of the entire industry. other wise it would be a total sham.
Yes a lot of good education is available through the certification program and I encourage everybody to get as much education as you can, it is vital to your longevity in this industry.



Re: hehe

November 25 2004, 9:30 PM 

I agree with Don that only a few people control the IICRC. This is a real problem is I see it. What it will take to change it is becoming active. I joined a trade association and this is a good way to change things since the IICRC is owned by the trade associations. So get active.


Kevin Pearson

Lee Senter

c'mon guys

November 25 2004, 11:06 PM 

No one is more pro-Cimex than Don.
No one I know is more willing to speak his mind than Don either. I don't for a second have to look between the lines when Don says something. He is just a no b.s. guy.
The mills are somewhat unwilling to endorse encap. However in a world where carpet maintenance is more a myth than a reality, they are hardly going to condemn it either.
I have spoken to people left unnamed at the Shaw test center and they will only say that their tests show very low resoiling with encap products.
Don't be looking for mill endorsements anytime soon.
Thats why there is the CRI seal of approval for cleaning chemistry. That will be the bar to be met or exceeded.

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS