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When to use Encap-Punch

November 28 2004 at 10:35 PM

i've been using Releasit for everything, even uph. i'm not familiar with Encap Punch, what is the difference? i no longer have a TM or do HWE except for uph cleaning with my Ultimate PB 111 machine. what do you suggest i use with my uph machine? (i plan on buying the Rota-Brush right away).

as far as cleaning carpet, i have a Cimex and a 15" Breeze. what product would you suggest to use on residential carpet?

btw, should i buy seperate Rota Brushes? one for stairs and one for uph? or is it fine to use one for both?

Derek Beyer

Re: When to use Encap-Punch

November 29 2004, 1:13 AM 

as for your last questions, i would say :

1) u can use either machine in resi....depends on the circumstances, too many too list. if you are going to be doing alot of resi-encap work, i would personally consider buying the brush attachments for the Cimex.

2) i dont think you need to buy a separate Rotabrush (no offense Rick! lol) but that is up to you. it should rinse off fine in the sink after each day.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: When to use Encap-Punch

November 29 2004, 6:43 AM 


Encap-Clean is a light foaming cleaner and Encap-Punch is a low foaming cleaner. So Encap-Punch would work well with your HWE upholstery machine. Encap-Clean can be used for bonnet cleaning, however Encap-Punch will perform even better with your OP machine - because foam will inhibit the ability of a bonnet or a pad to absorb soil. The surfactant base is also different for each of these products. The chemistry of Encap-Clean is specifically designed for shampoo applications. Whereas the cleaning components in Encap-Punch are better suited for hot water extraction and bonnet cleaning methods. So each have their place.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode

I don't believe you said that Rick!

November 29 2004, 8:48 AM 

ARE YOU ON DRUGS MAN! I can't believe you said that. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at this board with the same virgin eyes. I thought you were a better man than to use the "S" word in public. You better have Nancy wash your mouth out with soap. LOL.

Have a great monday buddy

Rick Thode

Bill Waters


November 29 2004, 8:52 AM 

Iam excited about trying punch with HWE and a truck mount.
I was wondering how punch will work as a pre-spray and rinsing with only hot water. How does this compare with rinsing with the punch following the pre-spray.
Thanks, I look foward to trying this soon. I realy like the Encap and Cimex machine even though I only have the brushes.
And hi Ray Moody, thanks for telling me to check into this neet way of cleaning carpet.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap-punch

November 29 2004, 9:40 AM 


You can rinse with plain water and just use Encap-Punch as a pre-spray. If you choose to only use Encap-Punch as a pre-spray you'll be getting some good cleaning power, and any residue you'll be leaving behind is a good residue. The benefit of using Encap-Punch as a rinse is that you'll be increasing the content of the encapsulant in the carpet. Soil resistance will improve over traditional HWE chemistry.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - When to use Encap-Punch
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