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Marketing ENCAP to your clients

November 29 2004 at 10:09 AM

Rick Gelinas  

ENCAP can be a great marketing strategy.

If you're using Encap-Punch or Encap-Clean for residential or commercial cleaning - marketing this to your customers could help you grow your business. You might consider presenting something like this...

"We can now help your carpets stay cleaner longer! Our company keeps abreast of new developments within the industry. So we're now using the Releasit® product line which incorporates some exciting new cleaning technology. The cleaning agents are formulated with Soileze™ protector and crystallizing ingredients. Now any soil that could remain in your carpet after cleaning will be encapsulated, and new soil won't be attracted. And it's blended with tea tree extract which leaves behind a fresh clean aroma"

Helping your customers to appreciate that you are interested in providing them with carpets that will stay cleaner longer shows that you care. If I were shopping for a carpet cleaner, and I was presented with information indicating that the carpets would stay clean longer - the purchasing decision would be obvious. This also helps to lay to rest the old concern that a carpet will resoil quickly after it's been cleaned. Plus you're demonstrating that you're staying on top of developments in the industry.

Oh and don't forget to market the tea tree to women. Many women are becoming aware of tea tree and they like it. It's in a number of their health and beauty products and many women are now recognizing the value of tea tree.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 29, 2004 10:21 AM

Clay Carson

Re: Marketing ENCAP to your clients

November 29 2004, 6:17 PM 

I had an interesting experience along this line recently.

I did a brief demo on a hotel lobby with some Releasit. It made a big, bright clean spot. The client liked it, to say the least. I thought for sure he would schedule the work ASAP.

Instead, a week passed, no decision.

Two weeks passed. Polite phone call, 'still not sure'.

Three indecisive can you be and still run a business?? I decide to leave him alone and move on. I have other things to do.

Four weeks later, he calls back asking for the job to be done. When I got there, he explained. "Anyone can get a spot clean. In the past, we've paid big bucks and the effect of the cleaning did not last long. You said your system would keep the carpet clean longer, but how was I supposed to know if you are right or wrong? Your 'clean spot' in the lobby has been here for a month now, and it's still bright and clean and not getting dirty. I wanted to wait to see if it was true, so now I'm convinced".

Makes sense to me!


Re: Marketing ENCAP to your clients

November 29 2004, 6:58 PM 

wow, the manager had it going on. lol you gotta give him credit for doing what he did.

This message has been edited by forresthickman on Nov 29, 2004 6:58 PM


Re: Marketing ENCAP to your clients

November 29 2004, 9:17 PM 

Tea Tree oil will also kill head lice

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

Derek Beyer

thanx Clay!

November 30 2004, 2:03 AM 

excellent experience, thanx for sharing

TTO does alot of things, it has many benefits to be sure.

thanx for the great thread --- Derek.


Stephen Dobson

Re: thanx Clay!

November 30 2004, 11:14 AM 

Its not bad mixed with a little Jack/Coke either.
good for the breath.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - Marketing ENCAP to your clients
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS