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50 / 50 Releasit

November 29 2004 at 9:55 PM


Today, I was on the cleaning truck with one of my employees. We came across a spot that would not come up. We had vac'ed, presprayed with Encap-Punch, cleaned with our Butler TM, then spotted with Encap-spot, Butler Multi-purpose, and several other chems. We then just thought it was not coming out. So my tech was cleaning in another room and I was brooming the room we just cleaned. This spot was really bugging me though. It was in the middle of the room and about half the size of a dime. So, I broomed the whole room and was talking to the customer. I was giving her a bottle of mixed Releasit spot remover that we give out to our customers and then it hit me. I had tried everything on the truck but my 50 / 50 Releasit. So I took it in and put it on the spot and it was gone with very little agitation.

Boy did I feel silly for wasting all that time on all those other spotters. Thanks for a great product Rick.

Kevin Pearson

PS Customer was aware the spot was still there and she also saw me get it out. She is a firm believer in Releasit now.


Re: 50 / 50 Releasit

November 30 2004, 12:36 PM 

That is the first thing I try Kevin. Is Rick the man or what LOL.


Re: 50 / 50 Releasit

November 30 2004, 12:37 PM 

sorry clicked it two times.

This message has been edited by Darwinroes on Nov 30, 2004 12:39 PM


Kevin Pearson

Re: 50 / 50 Releasit

November 30 2004, 4:03 PM 

I know I can't believe I did not try it sooner. We had already used the Encap-Punch and the Encap-spot though and I thought one of those would have gotten it. Just goes to show you the products are very different.

Thanks again Rick.

Kevin Pearson

Chris K

Re: 50 / 50 Releasit

November 30 2004, 10:35 PM 

When you say 50/50, which one do you mean, the 8oz per gallon or the 4oz per gallon.
Cheis Kallas


Kevin Pearson

Re: 50 / 50 Releasit

December 1 2004, 7:56 AM 

Chris we are using the releasit DS. So really our mixture is 75% water / 25% Releasit.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - 50 / 50 Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS