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Carpet Protecter?

December 1 2004 at 8:42 AM
John Long  

Would it be good or bad to use protector with encapsulation?

Would it inhibet the function of the encapsulant?

Would it even be any value with this system?


John Long


Kevin Pearson

Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 1 2004, 9:02 AM 

Those are all good questions. It is of value with this system. Rick has his on protector called Soileze. Releasit has some of this product already in it, but by applying the Soileze after the cleaning you will just further enhance its ability to stay clean longer.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 1 2004, 9:27 PM 

As Kevin commented, the Releasit products contain our fluoro-protector - SOILEZE.

The fluoro-chemical aids the detergents in 4 areas.
1. Lowering the surface tension of the detergent increases the surfactancy which increases the cleaning efficacy.
2. The fluoro-chemical helps to get the crystal to release more easily.
3. It helps to reduce wicking.
4. It adds a measure of soil resistance so the carpets will stay cleaner longer.

However there is not enough fluoro-chemical in the detergents to produce the same full blown protection that a protector treatment will provide. So we also have the SOILEZE in it's more concentrated form that can be used as a spray on protector.

It's important to establish that a protector will be compatible with the crystallization process or else we'll mess up the encap process. That's where SOILEZE comes in; it's completely compatible with our products and it can be sprayed directly following cleaning with Encap-Clean or Encap-Punch.

Hope this covers everything.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 2 2004, 2:28 AM 

Rick, should the Soileze be applied after post-vacuuming? otherwise wont it just be vac'ed away if applied before the post-vac?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 7 2004, 1:48 AM 

yeah, i'm waiting for that answer too.


Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 2 2004, 8:25 AM 

Have you done any testing as to how long the protecter will last? Dupont will say two to three cleanings or a year or so.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 2 2004, 11:29 PM 

Soileze can be applied prior to post vacuuming. The encapsulation bundle of polymerized soil is what will be vacuumed away not the Soileze. Soileze will impart strong benefits of soil protection that remain in the carpet because it has lowered the surface tension to the fiber. The application of a Soileze treatment will in fact aid the vacuuming of the crystallized polymer from the fiber. That's why we offer Soileze. It gives cleaners the ability to work with a spray-on protector that can be used in conjunction with the Releasit detergents.

Soileze is formulated along the same chemistry lines as DuPont Advanced. So you should be able to expect similar longevity.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 3 2004, 2:40 AM 

thanx Rick, one last question Bro

can Soileze be added to Punch or Encap Clean for better cleaning results? or do you only recommend it for post Encap application?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Carpet Protecter?

December 3 2004, 7:26 AM 


Soileze is already in Encap-Clean and Encap-Punch, and it already contributes to the effectiveness of the cleaning. It's been formulated as part of the recipes. Adding more would be unnecessary, since already achieving benefits from its inclusion in the products. Good questions.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Carpet Protecter?
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