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28 inch Hoover Conquest

December 3 2004 at 3:31 AM
Derek Beyer  

well in my looooooong search for the "perfect" WAV (wide area vacuum) for commercial CC'ing, i came to the 28" conquest and detailing with a BPV (backpack vac)...not what i had planned, but nothing out there appears to get the results i was looking for lol. apparently WAV's typically dont dig down deep and pull up much soil. 1 distributer of them told me they basically are designed for picking up larger items and not the finer sand / silt in a carpet, because they have a lotta air loss. however from the many good opinions of some of you on the Conquest, i figure the 28" Conquest (which i believe is two 14" Conquests "glued" together.?.) is the animal i need.

at any rate, i am looking for feedback from any users of the 28" Conquest....anyone use one and if so how do you like it for commercial use?

thanx for any advice --- Derek.

BTW, if you are in the market for a great BPV, check this link out! i ordered one new for $120 delivered to my door...this thing rocks :


Rick Gelinas

Re: 28 inch Hoover Conquest

December 3 2004, 7:32 AM 


That's exactly what Hoover did. They married two 14" Conquests. The 14" Conquest is a vacuum CLEANER. Put to together and you can do some vacuum CLEANING. I agree that the offerings of large area vacuums on the market are not efficient. That's why t 28" Conquest is unique. We've only sold a couple of the big ones, but the ones who have purchased them have been very pleased.

Rick Gelinas


Re: 28 inch Hoover Conquest

December 3 2004, 1:43 PM 

I have the 14 Hoover Conquest and love it well, as much as you can love a vacuum cleaner. I think I am going to order a 18 from Rick in the spring for a backup.

It is amazing what it will pull out of the carpet.

Derek Beyer

Re: 28 inch Hoover Conquest

December 4 2004, 10:45 PM 

since two 14" vac's are attached together, is there a noticeable strip down the center of the vac that doesnt get cleaned?

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - 28 inch Hoover Conquest
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