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December 3 2004 at 10:01 PM

Other Than dillution ratio, What is the diffrence between "Encap" and "Encap DS"
I currently have 4 gal of the regular encap, is the DS any better? By the way Rick, FedEx delivered my new Cimex today (excellent Packing job). Well I guess its time to hit the neighborhood and find some guinea pigs. HE HE HE .... Garrett

Derek Beyer

Re: encap

December 4 2004, 1:44 AM 

nope. other than the dilution ratio, they are the exact same product.

congrats and enjoy. looking forward to reading about your experiences in the months / years ahead.

dont hesitate to ask anything, i always do

take care --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: encap

December 4 2004, 7:21 AM 

Derek is correct. There's no difference in the chemistry whatsoever. Encap-Clean is 8oz per gal, and Ecnap-Clean DS is 4 oz per gal. So the cost breakdown works like this.

We clean at a typical rate of 300 sq ft per gallon of diluted product. So...

A 4 gallon case of Regular strength Encap-Clean sells for $80, mixes at 8 oz per gallon, can clean 4800 sq ft per gal of concentrate, and can clean 19,200 sq ft per case.

A 4 gallon case of Double strength Encap-Clean DS sells for $120, mixes at 4 oz per gallon, can clean 9600 sq ft per gal of concentrate, and can clean 38,400 sq ft per case.

The Encap-Clean DS is 50% more costly, however it cleans 100% more carpet. So it's actually a good money saver in the end. The usage cost for Encap-Clean DS Works out to 3/10ths of a cent per sq ft. So it becomes a very inexpensive product to work with.

Rick Gelinas


Re: encap

December 4 2004, 8:19 AM 

So DS stands for double strength, or in other words, a more concentrated product.

Instead of paying freight on two bottles, you only need one.

That's a good move in anyone's language.



This message has been edited by Shortwun on Dec 4, 2004 8:19 AM


Thx Guys

December 6 2004, 11:47 AM 

Thx for advice guys.

Current Topic - encap
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