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berber giving problems

December 9 2004 at 7:26 PM

I use an OP system. I am having a lot of problems getting soil out from the carpet, especially steps. On the steps I use a polishing machine w/ a small fiberplus pad and than the cotton bonnets. I use the relesit spotter to try and get out the deep soil. Still this is not to my satisfation.

This is my process:
1) soltion(after vaccing)
2) solution (all natural)
3) fiberplus pad
4) thick bonnet
5) thin bonnet
I also brush in more haevily soiled areas
please help

Derek Beyer

Re: berber giving problems

December 9 2004, 8:45 PM 

hiyas Lou

questions for you :
- step 1 you say "after vaccing", does this mean that you do pre-vacuum these steps 1st?
- step 2 you say "solution (all natural)", what does that mean exactly??

i am not exactly sure of your process. some ideas for you are to make sure on steps / stairs you do a thorough pre-vac with a beater-brush vacuum (this might be a canister vac with a RugRat air turbine attachent) to pull up the embedded soil. steps can be more difficult to vac correctly due to the shape and space allowed for a vacuum on them.

i havent used a polishing machine or variable speed drill as of yet on steps, so i cant offer much help there... but i've used my Host on steps with good results.

also, what Encap detergent are you using?

thanx --- Derek.


answers to your questions

December 9 2004, 9:35 PM 

Yes I do Pre Vac with a beater.
The all natural solution does not have any chemicals (Bio Kleen).
The Encap I use is the Releasit spotter.
And I do not know What a Host is?
Thanks for your Help

Derek Beyer

Re: answers to your questions

December 10 2004, 12:33 AM 

BioKleen is a great product, i've used it myself when i HWE'ed.

i am not fully aware of all it's capabilites tho. that said, what i will recommend to you is what has worked for me :

1) Pre-Vac.
2) apply Releasit Encap Clean mixed at the dilution ratio as prescribed on the bottle.
3) agitate (use your Buffer with the FP pad as you mentioned before.
4) at this point, the carpet either is clean or may need some more work, that is for you to decide and depends on the amount of soil. if it needs more work, you might try at this point to post-pad with your cotton bonnet to extract some of the soil you've knocked loose. after that i would recommend step 5...
5) apply some more of the RTU Encap Clean and agitate again with your Buffer / FP pad.

at this point you should be in good shape and the job is completed.

i personally would not use the Encap Spot for this isnt meant to clean large volumes of carpet like that but is more suited to you will be wasting alot of that relatively expensive spotter on cleaning carpet. the proper Encap Clean will last a lot longer in it's RTU state and is far more inexpensive comparatively speaking.

Encapsulation should take care of these dirty steps just as well as HWE would (from my own noob experiences)....the key is in both the Encapsulant and the agitation, the better the agitation the better the results.

if you dont understand anything i've said, feel free to ask and i will try to describe it better.

thanx and have a good nite Lou
--- Derek.


Re: answers to your questions

December 10 2004, 10:21 AM 

for steps I've vac, spray with relisit, and scrub. I just take a white buffer pad and tear it up into about 4 pieces, or use a doodlebug pad if I have one handy. I just do it by hand. works good you can do the front edges easily by just shaping the pad around it.


Dave Bigler

Re: answers to your questions

December 10 2004, 11:32 AM 

Lou: I bought a white circular brush from Rick G. that fits in an electric drill. Spray on encap product after prevac, agitate with brush. Works great!

Dave Bigler
When It Comes to Cleaning - the BIGLER the BETTER!!!

Derek Beyer

Re: answers to your questions

December 11 2004, 12:31 PM 

i used the 'Mex and the white brush / drill (for his stairs) combo yesterday on a friends home. carpets came out great and saved me time & energy compared to when i used to HWE it. results were as good to.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - berber giving problems
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