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Rick G.

December 11 2004 at 11:34 AM

Tad Davanzo  

I would like to thank Rick G. and his company Excellent Supply on some very great customer support.

Having been in this crazy business for about 13 years now, I have to say that it’s refreshing to deal with a “supplier” and come away with a good feeling that I’ve made the right move,

Rick and the staff at Excellent Supply give 200% Customer satisfaction.

I have purchased a 19 cimex package with optional brushes for tile & grout / stone tile work.

And a very large customer of our as well as I has been very happy.

I just took care of that customer in NYC; the job was about 20,000 sq. ft.

After I vacuumed about 2 hours, paying special attention to the edges the entire job took about 9hrs. And the look of the carpets was almost new; the CIMEX/ DS RELEASIT combo worked great.

My customer was just blown away and again so am I.

I have a couple of pictures that I will post, but we just moved into a new house down here in Florida and I haven’t had much time.

To all that might be thinking of a Cimex or the releasit products, trust me money well spent!

Give Rick a call!

Best to all
And have a Happy Holiday

Tad Davanzo

Derek Beyer

Re: Rick G.

December 11 2004, 12:21 PM 

hiyas Tad, good to hear from you again

how's the NYC biz going for ya? you still commute from Fla alot?

glad your a Cimex man now, it's a great workhorse that can complete alot of different jobs as you are seeing.

congrats and dont be a stranger --- Derek.

Current Topic - Rick G.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS