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Wall Partition Cleaning Secret

December 20 2004 at 9:30 AM

Rick Gelinas  

I purchased a couple of good quality office wall partitions from a used office furniture store the other day for our new office. These were originally real expensive partitions. They add some great sound deadening to our office.

Well since they were second hand, I wanted to clean them up real spiffy before using them in our new office. So I used Releasit Encap-Clean. And that's the little trick I wanted to share with you.

I have cleaned fabric partitions like this in the past. This is a simple trick that can make you some GOOD MONEY. I've cleaned fabric walls and sliding banquet walls with this method too. Well I've typed 3 paragraphs and I've still got you waiting for the secret don't I?

Oh well, anything worth learning is worth waiting for isn't it?

By the way, the weather is chilly today. It's been dipping into the 40's at night. It's supposed to get into the 30's in the next day or so. That's downright cold for this time of year in Florida.

OK OK I'll get to the point now...

Here's the deal:

Mix up a pail of Releasit Encap-Clean at the regular dilution. Then get a window strip washer.
Looks like this...

It's so EASY. Just wet out the strip washer with Releasit. And wipe the walls. Try to keep the partitions/walls as dry as possible. It works GREAT! And the sky is the limit when it comes to wall cleaning pricing. Just don't let them see how easy it was or they won't want to pay you. :O

Oh and one more thing. I've cleaned fabric banquet room walls this way. You know, the sliding walls that are 20 feet tall and slide to divide banquet rooms. Just hook an extension pole to the strip washer and you're in business. It was easy and PROFITABLE to clean the walls this way.

Getting back to our office. Our partitions turned out beautiful. In fact the whole place is real nice! Our warehouse is very functional. And the place looks SHARP. If you're ever passing through St Pete - please plan to stop by and pay us a visit.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Wall Partition Cleaning Secret

December 20 2004, 10:24 AM 

you read my mind Rick! i did these banquet type folding walls this weekend. i bought the strip washer you have pictured a few weeks back. my 18" strip washer has that white lambswool finish on 1 side, and a green mild brillo pad type material on the other. i only used the green side on these walls.

instead of using a bucket, i saved time and pre-sprayed the walls. came out looking GREAT.

thanx --- Derek.

Bob Cairns

Re: Wall Partition Cleaning Secret

December 20 2004, 10:25 AM 

I just did a huge partition job - here is what we did.
Spray panels with encap, scrub with an orbital car buffer with white pad - done! These were in pretty bad shape but came out pretty good and we made lots of $$$$$$$$$.


Re: Wall Partition Cleaning Secret

December 20 2004, 11:04 AM 

hiyas Bob

i would do some rotary action like you did if the upholstery was pretty visibly dirty, otherwise the stripwasher is ALOT faster....covers more area with one swipe.

1 thing i left out was, i used a canister vac to pre-vac...left the floor attachment / head on it which is about 10" wide and that went real quick and did visibly remove dust / debris on the walls, so that is an important step.

thanx --- Derek.

dave stahly

streaking - not like in the 70's

December 20 2004, 10:32 PM 

When cleaning partition walls, do you work from the bottom up so you reduce the chance of streaking, or is this not a problem??

dave stahly
indy stone and tile care

Derek Beyer

Re: streaking - not like in the 70's

December 21 2004, 1:53 AM 

not a problem...the solution isnt put on so thick that it runs down the wall or anything. at least that is how i do it. as i mentioned i use a sprayer and try and apply it as evenly as possible.

thanx --- Derek.

dave stahly


December 21 2004, 10:10 PM 

great, thanks derek


Current Topic - Wall Partition Cleaning Secret
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