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Thanks again, Rick!

December 20 2004 at 11:02 PM
Kevin Jones  

Used my Cimex for only the second time over the weekend to Encap a car dealership which I and others have HWEed in the past. Stopped by today, one of the owners saw me outside and told me the carpets looked GREAT and that he had never seen 'em look so good. Now, being the no talent salesman that I am (lol), I stated it was time to let me in the other buildings (they own several dealerships). His reply? Definitely! Call me and we'll get it rolling. I'll be honest, Rick.... I am totally shocked by the difference of Encapsulation over HWE in commercial settings. It is like night and day.
Oh yeh, I haven't tried it yet, but how do you feel about encapping residential berber? I'm sure it would do awesome, but want your (and others) opinion.
Merry Christmas and thanks again for introducing me to this amazing system. I'm the only one in my city doing it and I am planning to re-write the book on commercial carpet cleaning in my area!

Derek Beyer

oh go on!!

December 21 2004, 2:00 AM 

no way Encap is better than HWE. every HWE guy knows it! heh

congrats Kevin

Cimex for me gets far better results on berber than my scrub wand ever comparison. of course an RDM or some similar HWE tool may equal or exceed those results...never used them so no clue. suppose i could spend 9 or 10 grand minimum and get a TM and RDM and find out tho. no thanx teehee.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: oh go on!!

December 21 2004, 6:22 AM 


Kewl Beans!

I'm glad to hear that it worked so well for you. Releasit does an excellent job of breaking down petroleum based residue. So it really shines in a situation like your auto dealership. Plus the strong agitation of the Cimex brings it all together.

For residential Berber, the Cimex/Releasit combo will work nicely too. Berber is the same problem child that commercial carpet is. Loop olefin carpet is the common problem here. (First there was nylon, then there was type 6 nylon, then there was 6,6 nylon, and now there's 6,6,6 = olefin) Well Releasit will fix it. Releasit's crystallizing chemistry breaks down and encapsulates oils that bind to the fiber. The crystallization process helps to stop wicking. Releasit is also built with fluoro-chemistry that helps prevent wicking too. It works.

Keep up th good work. It sounds like the other cleaners in your town have a new foe to contend with And I'm happy to hear about your acquisition of the other car dealership buildings too. The purchase price of that new Cimex of yours is going to evaporate pretty quickly isn't it?

Have a great week!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Thanks again, Rick!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS