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Retirement Homes

December 21 2004 at 3:54 PM
Derek Beyer  

Tom reminded me below of this avenue. i am leary to go after them because i would guess they often have urine / feces contamination on carpet.

am i right about this or does it just depend on the home or the level of care provided?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Retirement Homes

December 21 2004, 4:04 PM 

Yes you will find all those nasty elements in the retirement home.

And you've got what it takes to clean those smelly, poopy, peepee, spots too...

Rick Gelinas

Tom Rowe

Re: Retirement Homes

December 21 2004, 4:21 PM 

Yes they can be totally gross. Yes they are totally "Do-able"

Generally the common areas are a piece of cake. But some of the rooms are absolutely GROSS. Believe me when I tell ya they don't call you to clean the nice clean rooms either. They usually give me a list of about 30 rooms, and they are all Sickening. It's pretty much the same rooms every month. Cleaning up after the same incontinent geriatrics.

The money is not bad, and it is steady work,....but like I said, I don't miss losing those 2 accounts.

Gilles J Nantel

Re: Retirement Homes

December 22 2004, 1:02 PM 

Do they ever complain about odor after you do your cleaning?
Actually encapsulation cleaning is one of the methods for encapping the urine salts that are left when dry,as dirt the salts are encapped with the releasit and prevents odors from escaping.
Hang-on to those accounts.

Heath Gaines

Re: Retirement Homes

December 22 2004, 3:36 PM 

I do a 75,000 sq. ft. retirement home. I look forward to doing the halls , dining areas, etc. which all have commercial carpets, but DREAD the apartment rooms within. They can be quite nasty. Ive cleaned many using my Cimex/Releasit, but most of these need some stout HWE cleaning. Thats when I pull out the portable unless its close to an entryway.

Tom Rowe

Re: Retirement Homes

December 22 2004, 5:29 PM 

I've never had any complaints about odors after cleaning. The managment realizes that the occupants are urinating on the carpet again before I even get out of the parking lot.

HWE would be the way to go in those nasty rooms,...if they are willing to use HWE.

The complex I was working for requested Encapping,...and did not want HWE. Due to the fact that the carpet manufacturer recommended Encap.
So we did the best we could with what we had.

When occupants would move out, they would just replace the carpet each time.


Re: Retirement Homes

December 23 2004, 4:47 PM 

Very interesting Tom, what mill was recommending encap cleaning in a retirement home, or is it a nursing home?

Current Topic - Retirement Homes
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS