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Encapped that residential carpet

December 22 2004 at 10:43 PM
Kevin Jones 

today. Same one I asked about a few messages down. Only did two rooms, but they looked great. Berber, 100% olefin. The lady of the house was right happy. One thing, though....that Cimex is a bear to get to the second floor....pant, pant. Thing liked to kicked my rear end. All I could think of the whole way up was "please don't slip from grasp and land hard on that beautiful white tile floor down there!" lol At least I knew where the front door was if I needed to scoot!! Anyway, have a hwe at 0830 hours and then nothing 'til Monday (except any emergencies).
Everyone have a Merry Christmas and I hope to see a bunch of ya at Connections East!

Derek Beyer

Re: Encapped that residential carpet

December 23 2004, 2:01 AM 

congrats Kev

yes she is a heavy beast

cant imagine pulling that thing up a flight of steps meself!

thanx --- Derek.

Clay Carson

Stairs tip with Cimex alone

December 23 2004, 7:46 AM 

You can do the 'mex alone on stairs. Here's how you can and when you shouldn't, imo:

1. If the stairs have a 'lip' on them - extending the stair tread over the next step by an inch or so - you can go down, but not up. Wheels will get caught on lip on the way up and it takes too much 'oomph' at the wrong angle to do it safely. Sometimes when I hafta leave a guy alone on a job and it has these stairs, we take it up the stairs together, so he can do the upper levels first, then he can bring it down alone.

2. If the stairs are very narrow, it's less safe. Your feet need to be sure of where they are supported.

3. If the material on stairs, like carpet and pad, are loose and floppy, it's more of a risk. If it is hard surface like polished marble or if it's slippery due to being wet, don't go there.

4. If above is OK, put your body at least 2 steps ahead of the machine and tilt it at a real angle so it's almost 45 degrees, same angle as the stairs. Pull up one step at a time, paying lots of attention to where your feet will be next. Concentrate on just getting the wheels over the step. On the way down, don't let it 'bang' on the lower step. Instead, when the wheels are just over the edge and heading down, pull back up to ease the impact. You want it to travel down the vertical riser, not to do a 'freefall'. Cimex is rugged, (but then so am I and I don't like being

If customer tempts me to do something I'm not comfortable with, like lifting it on stairs that don't look right for it, I would rather say no. They only gave out one backbone and one set of muscles. If you break them, you can't go get a replacement.

Don't worry though, since rumor has it that Rick has locked his chemist in the basement, restricted him to bread, water and Starbucks latte's on strict orders that he can't come out til he produces an 'Anti Gravity Spray' in an aerosol can, which we can spray on the Cimex. It will suspend gravity for a few minutes so we can grab the Yellow Beast and carry it with our pinky fingers.....


Re: Stairs tip with Cimex alone

December 24 2004, 10:59 AM 

Heres a tip for going up stairs with cimex.......use a rotary or x-2 instead. BTW I also encapped a berber resi yesterday and it came out great, although I post bonneted it. I called this morning and it is definetely dry, berbers always worry me so I take extra care. I really love the releasit products.


Derek Beyer


December 25 2004, 2:52 AM 

the berbers i've done have dried up right quick (3-4 hours) no post-bonneting neccesary...just scrub with the FP pads and done.

thanx --- Derek.

Bo Newman

Cimex and stairs

December 26 2004, 7:26 PM 

I take the stairs two at a time with my Cimex. I do not worry about the Cimex taking off down the steps, either.
See my solution from the posting in Sept - 04.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Cimex and stairs

January 3 2005, 4:50 PM 

Taking the stairs two at a time. LOL Even with those wheels I don't think so.

Anyway it was good for a laugh. That Cimex is big and heavy no matter what wheels are on it.

Kevin Pearson

Bo Newman

Re-Cimex and 2 stairs

January 6 2005, 12:12 AM 

Glad I make you laugh. But I speak only the truth. The reason I take two at a time is because once I get the machine moving it is easier to just go ahead and do the next step than it is to stop and then have to get the machine moving again.
I haven't tried three yet. I think I'll stick with two at a time for the present time.
You see to take two at a time you have to stand up the steps an extra step and three would make you bend over too much. It's hard to get enough leverage that far away from the machine.
Now---if you want to challenge me..........

Current Topic - Encapped that residential carpet
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS