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Year End Special

December 30 2004 at 12:40 PM

Rick Gelinas 

I've spoken with a few cleaners who have expressed interest in making purchases before the end of the year for tax deduction purposes. So I put together some special pricing to help sweeten the deal for those of you who are contemplating making a year end purchase. Here are some special prices for today and tomorrow.

YEAR END SPECIAL PRICING 12/30/04 - 12/31/04

• $100 discount on any Cimex purchase

• X2 EncapMachine includes a free case of Releasit Encap-Clean

• 10% discount on chemicals and accessories

• 15% discount on chemicals and accessories (sales over $300)

By the way, we'll be open for business normal business hours on Friday 12/31.

I'd also like to sincerely thank all of you for the confidence you've placed in this "crazy" encapsulation cleaning method and for helping to make Excellent Supply and Releasit a success. Thanks! And if I can assist you in your business in ANY WAY at all, please don't hesitate to ask.

Rick Gelinas

Gilles J Nantel

Re: Year end Special

December 30 2004, 5:33 PM 

Hello Rick,

Does that apply to us poor Canadians?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Year end Special

December 30 2004, 6:06 PM 

Hi Gilles,

I don't personally cover Canada. Rick Thode has oversight over Canada. So get in touch and see what he may want to do for ya. Eh?

Hey do you guys have to pay income tax up there in Canada too?

Rick Gelinas


Re: Year end Special

December 30 2004, 8:14 PM 

Yep! We pay taxes alright, a lot higher rate than you folks south of the border.

Most Canadian corporations avoid having their year end coincide with the calander year, non incorparated companies must have their year end at this time of year. Equipment purchases would help reduce taxes a bit, chemicals not so, it would go into inventory and that would be considered as an asset and would cost you some tax dollars in the over all scheme of things.
Most companies try real hard to reduce inventory at year end to avoid paying taxes on their inventory value.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Year end Special

December 31 2004, 3:29 PM 

Hey I was only kidding when I asked whether you pay income tax in Canada Don.

Inventory is not a tax issue with this offer. You'd be making a purchase, receiving an invoice, and showing a credit card transaction in 2004. However physical inventory will not increase till it actually arrives at your facility. And that takes a couple of days for UPS to get it there.

Here's how everybody wins with this deal... The stock goes down in our year end inventory. And you get a nice savings and a tax deduction. Win, win - cool!

BTW, we've been super BUSY with this offer, a lot of folks have taken advantage of this one.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Year end Special

December 31 2004, 10:33 PM 

oops looks like i missed out. its 9:30 pm on the 31st. oh well just got an order a couple of weeks ago anyway.



Kevin Pearson

Re: Year end Special

January 3 2005, 4:29 PM 

Rick that was a great offer to bad I was gone for my anniversary. Maybe next year.

Kevin Pearson

Derek Beyer

Re: Year end Special

January 4 2005, 2:53 AM 

congrats Kevin and welcome back. how many years?

fortunately i was checking the forums thursday so i ordered the soft brushes for the 19" Cimex...can't wait to gettem! have 3 apartments to do Thursday, i'm hoping they arrive by then.

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Year end Special

January 4 2005, 8:54 AM 

12 years, Derek.

Derek Beyer

Re: Year end Special

January 4 2005, 12:38 PM 

wowser, long time Kev....good job!


Re: Year end Special

January 5 2005, 11:20 AM 

you do apartments with cimex derek. I'm trying to get in with a few complexes for some bread & butter money but they all want hwe. Most of em are berber and I'm trying to talk em into encap with bonnet but I guess to many guys using rotarys doing bad jobs. How much you charge for apartments.


Derek Beyer

Re: Year end Special

January 5 2005, 12:03 PM 

hiyas Brad

prices vary from area to area i guess. i only do 1 complex which has 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments. i charge $60, $70 & $80 respectively for each. i have had this acct for 6 years and havent raised my prices yet...a price increase is about due.

if i were you and really wanted a complex, i would offer them a free cleaning to get them to see how thrilled they WILL be with the Cimex. Encap / Cimex rules on berber from my experiences. offer to clean either an apartment, or even their office for free.

any other questions, feel free to ask.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Year End Special
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