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Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 2 2005 at 11:10 AM
Thomas Smith  

I've cleaned this office before with Releasit using a rotary and FP pads. Looked good (better then HWE alone) except for some of the traffic lanes. This time it is really trashed (some grease and ink stains). Would adding HWE to encaping help? Would you do it before or after encaping? Or.....would using a Cimex instead of a rotary be the solution?


Re: Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 2 2005, 12:07 PM 

Another great use for a Cimex is to pre-scrub prior to HWE in those real nasty jobs, makes a world of difference.


Patrick Matte

Re: Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 2 2005, 3:20 PM 

How about agitating with the cimex,hwe(w/ encap punch),cimex w/ bonnet.?

Derek Beyer

Re: Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 2 2005, 8:37 PM 

i would just Encap it, same as always....but maybe try some Encap protectant like Soileze. when i used to HWE i used to always apply scotchguard / that i Encap i havent been doing it as much and i've noticed some traffic lane problems. the obvious answer to me is i need to apply a protectant like i used to.

just an idea --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 3 2005, 4:19 PM 

I'm with Derek that you need to apply a protectant. But also try to agitate with the Cimex then HWE, then bonnett with the Cimex, the protector. I think you will be surprised at the results. Then in subsequent cleanings you will be able to just Cimex with Releasit and apply Soileze and have no problems.

Kevin Pearson

Thomas Smith

Re: Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 3 2005, 5:02 PM 

Thanks everyone. Some good advice. Sounds like I should spend the $$ for a Cimex. Like you Derek, this is part-time for me and I'm trying to score commercial accounts only (for now).

Derek Beyer

Re: Nasty office with heavy traffic

January 4 2005, 2:50 AM 

good to know Tom

it's a great part-time job for sure. i look forward to CC'ing around 35 hours per week...that's my goal. hopefully in a couple years i will be there.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Nasty office with heavy traffic
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS