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January 2 2005 at 12:11 PM

2005 will be the the year of the ENCAPSULATION cleaning system
We have seen great strides in the past couple of years, but 2005 will be the real break through year, more carpet cleaners and in-house cleaners will be using this system as their primary commercial cleaning method.
Great opportunities await those who market this amazing system
Good luck to all in 2005.

This message has been edited by eldredcleans on Jan 2, 2005 12:13 PM

Kevin Jones

Re: 2005

January 2 2005, 5:28 PM 

Agreed. I have seen the difference on commercial carpets and so have my clients. Those who persist in believing encapsulation is not powerful weapon in their cleaning resumes are eventually gonna lose out to those who use it. I love hwe and it is my primary cleaning method, however, in commercial settings there is no comparison.

Derek Beyer

Re: 2005

January 2 2005, 8:34 PM 

for commercial, it's a given.

let's take it a step further : will 2005 be the year that Encap becomes one of the primary VLM methods in the residential arena??

so far so good --- Derek.

Chris Kallas

Re: 2005

January 2 2005, 10:56 PM 

Derek, hopefully so, because my focus is to encap all resis with X2 encapmachine.
If I can lower the price per Sq.Ft. generate volume,do the job quicker and still make $100 an hour, I'll laugh all the way to the bank.
I have no experience with any rotary machine, either is GLS or X2,only Von Shrader V1 long time ago.

Mark Dullea

VS for foamless encap?

January 3 2005, 8:41 AM 

I have both a VS1 and a VS12 collecting dust in my basement from when I was
a foamer - prior to my coming to prefer the virtues of OP and encap, which I
think of as foamless dry foam. Just wondering if anyone has tried taking a
VS, shutting off the vacuum (unnecessary & too noisy) and just using these
machines to scrub in Releasit or a similar low-foam/no-foam encap product.


Re: VS for foamless encap?

January 3 2005, 2:36 PM 

I think encap can work in some residential especially with post bonnet. As for commercial I wish we could come up with a lot more marketing ideas as well as more information on how to get these accounts.


Current Topic - 2005
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