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January 5 2005 at 12:13 PM
John Long  

Interesting thread going on with another bb.

Retirement sounds really good. I'm 55 and it's been my goal to retire at 55. Any suggestions for how to turn the "reins" over? Got two sons still with me in the biz, 2 others not interested.

Already have delegated most of the day to day stuff. Mainly take care of fixing things nobody else can and marketing. Have an s-corp but the wife and I are the only officers.

Any Ideas?

JOhn L.

Dave Bigler

Re: Retirement

January 5 2005, 5:27 PM 

54. Of course I just turned 55 so I guess that didn't work so well.

Dave Bigler
When It Comes to Cleaning - the BIGLER the BETTER!!!


Re: Retirement

January 5 2005, 7:49 PM 

66 and I was going to retire last year, than along came encap cleaning now I just want to clean with the Cimex machine, guess I will hang around for a few more years.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Retirement

January 6 2005, 12:16 AM 

That's what's keeping you young and healthy Don

Rick Gelinas


Re: Retirement

January 6 2005, 10:11 AM 

That's true Rick, I can not see me sitting at home doing nothing, it would be down hill real fast I'm afraid to say.


Re: Retirement

January 6 2005, 3:43 PM 

49 next birtday and I am fully commited to dying on the job,no retirement plans what so ever!!


John Long

Re: Retirement

January 7 2005, 7:05 PM 


We carpet cleaners are ALL sick aren't we? I suppose we'll all die with a buffer or a wand in hand. But I have to agree with Don, what little I have done with encapping so far, it sure is easier on a person!

I suppose if I retired, I'd just come in every day and pester the boys anyway, but that word Retirement does have a nice ring.

Thanks everyone,

John L.

Current Topic - Retirement
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