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Rick, quick question.

January 6 2005 at 7:30 PM
Kevin Jones 

I'm doing a demo tomorrow night (01-07) for the local theater. The area I will be doing has a huge spot about 3 feet in diameter, obviously a drink spill. Normally I use the 50/50 ratio and spray it down real well. Should I still do this for a spot this big?



Chris Kallas

Re: Rick, quick question.

January 6 2005, 9:05 PM 

I'm not Rick, but my opinion is, why not? 1' or 3' diameter doesn't makes a different. Let's see what Rick says.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, quick question.

January 6 2005, 9:06 PM 

Hi Kevin,

Follow the instructions on this page, it should work nicely for you... Go to the "Recurring Spill" section.

These are the exact instructions for treating spill stains (large or small). Avoid getting the spot wet. Scrub like CRAZY. Keep it as dry as possible. Apply the concentrated Releasit. And work it into the spot.

You'll succeed in eliminating the recurring spill stain, you'll be elevated to the status of hero, the local paper will run your story, and they'll have a parade in your honor

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 6, 2005 9:07 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 6, 2005 9:06 PM

Kevin Jones

Re: Rick, quick question.

January 6 2005, 9:27 PM 

Thank you both for your quick responses. Duh on me. As if I didn't know that 'recurring' spill lesson was in there. Sometimes I wonder about myself. Hmmmmmmm....a parade, huh? I'll only take that if it increases my business by about 200 percent. If not, I won't have time for that kinda thing, got a business to keep building.

Thanks again.


Current Topic - Rick, quick question.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS