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Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....

January 10 2005 at 11:02 AM
Rob Allen.  

Hi my name is Robert Allen and i have been cleaning carpets since 1985. I would like to replace my truckmount (or at least use it less). I bought a Cimex for commercial and really like it. However I feel it is too large for residential. So I need a complete setup for residential. Regardless of cost, what would you buy for residential carpets, stairs and upholstery??? Quality is my ONLY concern.
Thanks, Rob.

Don Eldred

Re: Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....

January 10 2005, 2:49 PM 

My opinion would be to stick with the truckmount, there are other options but none compare with the versatality of the truckmount.
Other optiona are
X2 cylindrical brush machine
OP machine
Steamin Demon High Flow Extractor

I would think that one would need all 3 of the above units if he did not have a TM.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....

January 10 2005, 5:21 PM 

The voice of years in the industry.
Don made some fine points above.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....

January 10 2005, 6:08 PM 

I have to agree with Don also. The cimex is nice but you can't beat the TM (Butler system) for residential. I think that is a good thing otherwise everyone would just get a portable and be in business. I find even with commercial it is still good to have a TM with me.


Re: Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....

January 10 2005, 6:55 PM 

I had some areas today that was very hard to get the wand into, so i knew the cimex had no chance of getting in. But i will use it in heartbeat if it's big enough of a area.

Had a empty apt to do afterwards pre vac, pulled out the big yellow machine and knocked it out. Great job.

I just received the fine brushes this evening to try on cut pile carpet.

But i use it every chance i get and then some.


Re: Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....

January 10 2005, 7:56 PM 

The key word is if the area is big enough, most residential occuppied homes you do not the room to work with a Cimex machine. I do agree that it is an excellant cleaning tool and we use it in some empty apartments, but 99% of our Cimex work is in the commercial setting.


Cimex in residential

January 10 2005, 8:55 PM 

For about 11 months I have been using the Cimex for almost all (90%+) of my residential cleaning. I bring a portable extraction spotter for the few times that I need it for problem spots. It probably isn't as efficient in rooms that require a lot of funiture moving but I have been so impressed with the extrordinary results that I get with it that I prefer it. I have been in business for 25 years and I can honestly say that working with the Cimex has been a pleasure (except for toting it up those stairs, Ha!).

Derek Beyer

Re: Cimex in residential

January 10 2005, 11:30 PM 

same for me as Doug, though i am only a part-time CC'er currently. i have retired the portable and now strictly have used the 'Mex on resi work. i also just got my soft brushes and look forward to seeing the results.

Rob if you are looking to partially replace your TM, i think it is a great idea...lot of ppl have done the same. head over to the VLM forum for more great info and ideas also.

besides the machines that Don mentioned above, i would add the 15" Cimex and an OP machine to that mix. i like the looks of the new Challenger and the new Orbitec OP machines myself.

for the time being, i will be using my 19" 'Mex for resi work. i have used it comfortably in homes and tight / small offices up to this point, i see no reason why it won't stay that way....just me.

take care and don't be a stranger!
--- Derek.

Davo Flores Jr.

15", 19", 77" Mex's

January 11 2005, 6:07 PM 

I have four "Mex". Two 19", one 15" and myself a 77" Mex. Tall, not around.

Steve Dobson

Re: 15", 19", 77" Mex's

January 12 2005, 1:57 AM 

I think as far as residentials go... there is need for some type of extraction.

I like having a good TM myself, along with the Cimex and a good rotary or OP machine..

They are all tools. Having the option as to when and where you choose to use each one is a great liberty.

But if you are wanting to use the TM less, I would suggest either going the OP route or Bonnet cleaning (pads too) and further investigating the VLM methodology a bit more.

Good luck in your quest.

This message has been edited by sdobson on Jan 12, 2005 2:05 AM
This message has been edited by sdobson on Jan 12, 2005 1:58 AM

Derek Beyer

Re: 15", 19", 77" Mex's

January 12 2005, 2:17 AM 

lol Dave, your 1 tall fella!

Current Topic - Need residential set-up to replace truckmount....
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