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HWE after encap

January 11 2005 at 7:28 PM


Do you guys recommend HWE after so many encap cleanings? Im working on setting up maintenance programs with hotels to encap their carpet every 90 days or so. Should I include a periodic HWE, maybe once a year? If so, when its time for the HWE, do you charge the same rate as when you encap, or do you charge the going commercial HWE rate?



Tom Rowe

Re: HWE after encap

January 11 2005, 10:15 PM 

I'd continue to encap it as long as possible. Theoretically,...if the encap juice works as advertised you should have no need to ever HWE it.

So keep Encapping unless your results are not up to par, if you ever reach that point, then maybe HWE it.



Re: HWE after encap

January 11 2005, 10:31 PM 

If the encap juice crystallizes and encaps the dirt like it is supposed to then a good vacuum job should remove the dirt and prevent any build up. Cross the HWE bridge when you get there.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Our experience

January 12 2005, 12:17 AM 


I'll share a personal experience that we've had in our cleaning business to answer your question.

My cleaning company has been responsible for taking care of the carpets in all the Victoria's Secret stores in the Tampa Bay area for over 10 years. Through the years we've tried several methods of cleaning before I came to the Encap System using Releasit.

As I'm sure you're aware, these stores have very bright reddish pink carpets.

Traditionally, when the stores had remodeled and installed new carpets - the carpets would be SO EASY to clean. They would be easy to clean the first time, the second time, the third time. But as we moved further out, the carpets would get tougher to clean. A two or three year old carpet would become just as challenging to clean as any other aging carpet.

Well I saw that downhill slide come to an end when we began using Releasit. The carpets bounced back. Instead of gradually sliding downhill, they quickly started going back uphill. The carpets got easier and easier to clean. After a few cleanings they were back to like new condition. The pink color stood out bright. And former recurring spills were eliminated too.

The ONLY explanation for the improved condition was the chemistry of Releasit. These carpets receive no extraction at all, we just encap with the Cimex and Releasit.

So this brings me to the point of your question. At what point along the line would I want to add HWE back into the cleaning cycle? Or... At what point would I want to begin seeing the downhill slide again? Of course the obvious answer to the question is - it wouldn't even be a remote consideration.

These stores receive frequent service set up by their home office; quarterly in most cases. We've seen these carpets turn around and we've watched them move in the right direction with routine encap cleanings.

So put encap to the test. You'll discover that a good encap system using proper chemistry is capable of keeping a maintained carpet looking better longer.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 12, 2005 12:21 AM

Steve Dobson

Re: Our experience

January 12 2005, 2:04 AM 

Good post Rick.

Like Kevin said, I would run the gammit' with encap as long as it holds out and looks good. When and if you ever start seeing diminished returns, then make a plan to possibly HWE or extract and see if that corrects the problem.
LIke any real commercial account, alot of our successes will be determined by the post vacuuming done by in house' staffs.. and anymore,, we know that isnt too good.

So let time tell. Good luck buddy.


Re: Our experience

January 12 2005, 8:16 AM 

We have an account that we encap every week, and we hwe it 1 or 2 times a year, depending on how much ice melters they use in the parking lots. If not for the ice melter I doubt if we would need to hwe at all.


Kevin Pearson


January 12 2005, 8:24 AM 

Ice Melters???? What is that? Our ice usually melts real good in a glass of tea.


It was 75 degrees here yesterday and should be the same today. I do not envy you guys up North. (North to me is, North of Dallas.)

Kevin Pearson

Kevin Jones

Re: Our experience

January 12 2005, 9:15 AM 

So, Rick, can we tell the local stores to contact the D.M. in your area as to how well encapsulation works?? If you've already had great success with 'em, it would be a great marketing tool!



Kevin Jones


Rick Gelinas

Re: Our experience

January 12 2005, 4:59 PM 


Are you doing VS stores in hour area too.

I don't see any reason why there would be a problem having the DM in your area contact the Tampa Bay DM.

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Re: Our experience

January 12 2005, 9:16 PM 

No, I am not doing VS stores. I was thinking, though, that if the DM in your area is familiar with encapsulation, it would be a benefit on my end when I speak to the DM in my area!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Our experience

January 12 2005, 10:01 PM 


There are two problems with that. (1) I don't think the DM has ever even known what method we've used to clean the stores in her district. (2) All of the VS stores are contracted to big national service companies who then sub-contract it out to cleaning contractors around the country. In other words, VS will not work with independent contractors. So you can approach them if you want to, but unfortunately like most retail work today - it's not likely to pan out.

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Re: Our experience

January 13 2005, 8:42 AM 

I appreciate that info. I will still probably go in and bang my head against the wall. I like the abuse! Seriously, I'm just one of those that keeps on tryin'! I am glad you told me that, though. It gives me valuable info on how to find out who handles 'em and if they sub out.


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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS