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getting started

January 13 2005 at 12:29 AM

would like to get started in carpet cleaning and need some input on equipment.Would really like to start with the Cimex,however due to budget limitations will have to acquire that later.Really like the idea of the counter-rotating brushes with encap idea. Have looked at the X2 and the GLS on the net and like these. Also need info on best encap formula.Would appreciate any and all input.

Derek Beyer

welcome David

January 13 2005, 12:46 AM 

1st off, get VERY acquainted with the Search feature.

then go back to the 1st page of this forum and read EVERY post...will take a few days.

at that point you will have all of your answers.

the short of it would be :
u can use a low-speed Rotary.
use Releasit.

take care --- Derek.


Re: getting started

January 13 2005, 8:20 AM 

I would also recommend that you visit the lmcca, ccs,and the ics bulletin boards. At the top of this page you will find links to the lmcca(vlm) board and the ics board.The address for the ccs board is . Do a search on all the boards to help you make an informed decision. Also check around and you can get free samples to help you in your decision making process.

Kevin Jones

Re: getting started

January 13 2005, 8:45 AM 

I love the Cimex, but I would still start out with a truckmount or even a portable HWE. Why? Eventually you will probably want to expand into water damage and you will need one of these in order to extract water. Just my thoughts.


Current Topic - getting started
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS