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Anyone encapping wool rugs?

January 17 2005 at 7:15 PM
Thomas Meyer 

I just got one and usually would just HWE but wanted to try something different. Thanks!


Re: Anyone encapping wool rugs?

January 17 2005, 10:02 PM 

do a search there has been a few threads about it. I have tried it on a few with great success.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Anyone encapping wool rugs?

January 18 2005, 12:10 AM 

Releasit works AWESOME on wool. With a pH of 7 we're in good shape. I'd recommend the soft 4807 brushes for wool.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Anyone encapping wool rugs?

January 18 2005, 12:34 AM 

mr. Heacock has done it also with great for his old posts on this forum.

thanx --- Derek.

Gary Bethel

Encapping Wool Rugs.

January 18 2005, 7:48 AM 

In Australia we do a fair amount of encapping of wool carpets. Have also done a fair amount of wool rugs with good results. Recently cleaned a $68,000 rug using Cimex,Fiber Plus pads and Releasit. Great Results. Love the way rugs do not bunch up under Cimex, and that you can go right out to the edges and over the ends with out it getting picked up by the machine.The Industrial Aximinister Carpet that is used in cinemas and casinos is suitable even with the Fiber Plus Max pads.Pure wool Berber is fine with the Fibre Plus pads.Don't use any of the brushes as it can cause fuzzing on the Wool Berbers.
I would venture to say it is one of the safest ways to clean wool.
Gary Bethel.

Thomas Meyer

encapping wool rugs

January 18 2005, 1:48 AM 

I did a search prior to my post using "wool rugs" but didn't really find anything. Thanks for the response. As far as the suggestion regarding the brushes, I have the firm set for tile and grout. If they're too firm can I use the fiber pads?

Derek Beyer

Re: encapping wool rugs

January 18 2005, 2:12 AM 

the firm brushes are definitely TOO firm.

regular FP pads may work, but 1st i'd look up what mr. H used...lemme see if i can find his posts and what he used (pad or brush).

thanx --- Derek.

ok, here is 1 post of Gary's (but notice it is a braided wool rug) :

another (doesn't say it's braided) :

or feel free to email the Guru himself :

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Jan 18, 2005 2:23 AM


Kevin Pearson

Re: encapping wool rugs

January 18 2005, 8:00 PM 

We have encapped quite a few wool rugs with the Fiber plus pads. The customers love them. We get lots of compliments.

Try it.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Anyone encapping wool rugs?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS