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NEW Website

January 18 2005 at 12:25 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Well I am finally "mostly done". You're never really completely done with a website.

I started working on this project a couple of weeks ago. Then I plowed into it full steam ahead over the weekend. I worked most of the day on Saturday, and then over night till 7AM Sunday morning. Slept for 4 hours. Then worked on it again most of the day Sunday, and then over night till 3 AM. Slept for 4-1/2 hours. Worked on it all day today. Just finished up at midnight. Man am I TIRED!

I wish I was better at building websites. It probably wouldn't take me nearly so much time. I could hire somebody, but I like having total control of the layout.

I wanted to produce a site that was cleaner than the old website. I liked the flash wave on the old site. But I wanted to build a site with a cleaner look. I also wanted to work with a site that has a database catalog for cataloging and searching products. (The database was a pain in the butt) Well the new website brings the features I was hoping for to the table. I hope you like how it turned out. Take a look over the site and let me know what you think.

I'm going home to get me some sleep now.

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 18, 2005 12:26 AM



Looks Great!!

January 18 2005, 7:31 AM 

Hey Rick, if you need some help with the site, let me know. I was a web designer before I got into cleaning - and Im a fanatic when it comes to Flash!! Even without the flash in the new site, it looks GREAT!!

Have a good sleep----



Rick Gelinas

Re: Looks Great!!

January 18 2005, 8:32 AM 


Thanks for the offer on helping with the Flash. I may consider that later. But for now I'm going to Flash free. I still see a couple of more adjustments that I need to make. I appreciated your comment.

Rick Gelinas



Re: Looks Great!!

January 18 2005, 11:39 AM 

No problem. Sometimes flash slows things down. Its amazing that with the new programs, people without web design experience can make some awesome sites. It depresses me to think I took out a home equity loan 4 years ago to go to Boston University and get certified in web design, and 4 yrs later the programs are so good, that no experience is required!!

Have a good one!


Heath Gaines


January 20 2005, 9:17 AM 

I like the looks of the new layout. Seems much "cleaner" or something. Ya did a great job for sure! Easier to manuever around I think.

Current Topic - NEW Website
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