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operating the cimex backwards

January 20 2005 at 4:47 AM

Did I read this somewhere or dream it: don't operate the cimex backward on the scrubbing pass because it will damage the belt or over heat the motor.



Rick Gelinas

Re: operating the cimex backwards

January 20 2005, 8:28 AM 

You didn't hear it from here. I'm gonna go with - you dreamed it. The Cimex works fine in reverse. But you'll find that in most situations, pushing it forward in a straight line works most efficiently.

Rick Gelinas

Heath Gaines

Re: operating the cimex backwards

January 20 2005, 9:20 AM 

I operate mine in reverse all the time, especially in tight corners where I cant turn around to make a forward dry pass. I don't see how it could cause premature wear since the stress on the moving parts would be the same as doing a forward pass. The only thing I dont like about going in reverse is that it's difficult to follow your exact wet pass....I end up kinda fishtailing sometimes trying to get back in line. For the most part, if the situation allows, I completely turn around and dry pass forward.


Stephen Dobson

Re: operating the cimex backwards

January 21 2005, 8:47 PM 

Too funny.
Every once in a while, I relate using the Cimex to mowing as usually, it is straight up and back,, just varying distances.
I come from a lawn/painting family.
My grandpa used to always tell me "never pull the mower backwards"

Sometimes when I am pulling the cimex backwards in a tighter area,, I am reminded of him saying that and I chuckle. LOL

I do find that using the Cimex forward is best.. but yes, there are times that pulling it backwards is necessary and it does still work. LOL Also found out over time,, always mow by pushing.. not pulling. LOL

He would also say "they dont call it a pull mower ya know"

He would turn around and I could see him smile a bit.
I never let on that I knew that. LOL
Sure miss that old' bastard.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on Jan 21, 2005 8:50 PM

Current Topic - operating the cimex backwards
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