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Looking for Encap Experiences Please

January 20 2005 at 9:32 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I'm looking to update the website with some experiences that some of you have had with Releasit.

Sure. I know I can search the message boards and find plenty. But I figured I'd extend an invitation to each of you directly to submit how encapping has helped your business.

Photos would be appreciated too if you have some you'd like to share. I'll set up a page to show off some of them. You can e-mail me the pictures at

Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help with this project. Looking forward to your responses.

Rick Gelinas

Don Eldred

Re: Looking for Encap Experiences Please

January 21 2005, 4:19 PM 

Rick, Can't comment on the system using Releasit, however, I will say that the Encapsulation method has been one giant step forward in the commercial carpet cleaning field. I have been in this business since 1969, and have gone through all the changes that have taken place over the years. The truckmount was by far the biggest improvement in my mind, however, it is best suited for the residential market.
Commercial carpet care is a different playing field and we tried everything available to make this side of our business as successful as our residential business.
The Cimex and the new encapsulation chemistry has been the answer to our many years of searching, we now have the second biggest improvement in my years in this business to offer our commercial clients.
Low moisture, fast drying, no re-soiling, almost no wick backs, easy application, happy clients.
What more can one ask for?
Don Eldred


Stephen Dobson

Re: Looking for Encap Experiences Please

January 21 2005, 8:43 PM 

I will send both my reply and pictures together via email

Glad to do so.

Thanks for the help over the past 15 months.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Clay Carson

Re: Looking for Encap Experiences Please

January 22 2005, 7:28 AM 

Rick, I have an idea that might make it easier to do this in the future. It probbly will rankle some folks, but there are ways around that.

Lots of times, when we have an excellent experience with the Cimex or Releasit, we post here about it. Maybe it's bragging or just plain appreciation. But we mostly all do it. (Actually Jimmy Ladwig doesn't, but he's a 'closet encapper' as we all know....)

Why not just add some language to the site's privacy policy that says that if we post a story or photo that you happen to really like, that you may end up quoting it on your other site and there's nothing we can do about it? Something to the effect that any experiences positive to the product development and promotion of encap or Cimex brand will be used for publicity and PR purposes if the forum owner decides to. It's not like a forum allows anyone any reasonable expectation of 'privacy'. If you want privacy, don't say anything and it all remains private.

I doubt most people would fuss, but I'm sure some might feel like it's an invasion of 'privacy'. 'Course, here we are on the WORLD WIDE WEB, talking to EVERYONE AT ONCE! WE MIGHT AS WELL BE SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS!! But guaranteed if you simply copy and paste what someone else typed, someone somewhere will be 'offended'. 'Hurt feelings'...Y'know.

You could just put on your best Arnold accent and tell them: "Don't be a girlie man"!!!

At any rate, if you do this approach, you could collect them as we go along.

For all I know, you already have that language in the site rules. I never read 'em.

Not many people do.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Looking for Encap Experiences Please

January 22 2005, 3:50 PM 


Thanks for that suggestion. We've had a sentence to that effect in the message that appears on the bottom of each page...

Content posted on this message board may be used or published by Excellent-Supply.

I was just looking for some standout experiences and maybe some photos to go along with it.

I want to say thanks to those of you who have already responded via e-mail

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Looking for Encap Experiences Please
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS