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Lifting the Mighty Cimex

January 21 2005 at 2:03 AM
Jack Diebag  

Anyone wishing to see the swing-arm lift I built from a bed frame to lift the Cimex into the back of my Ford E350 Van is welcome to e-mail me. I will respond with picturs. It sure beats using and storing a ramp in my opinion. Takes up very little space and costs very little money to build. No guarantees fellas but it sure works for me. I'm even using it to off load and reload my RX-20 now. Saving my back for dragging a moose out of the pucker-brush. (grin) ~Jack


Jack Diebag

Responses sent

January 21 2005, 1:55 PM 

If you requested and have not received a response yet, check your e-mail's SPAM BLOCKER as it may have been stopped there. Thanks for all the intrest.

Instructions for lift cable. I used 7-strand steel 1/8" cable with loop at each end. Total length 43" loop end to loop end. I slipped the first loop around the handle above the solution tank and threaded the "standing end" through the loop. Cynch that up tight and thread the standing end through a ring (I used a 3" ring) then on down and through the handle on the scrubber head and back up. I attached a snap (good durable one) to the second loop on the standing end and fastened it to the ring. That holds the lifting ring (3")down about 6-8 inches from the handle on the scrubber and allows the machine's handle to tip back a bit as it is lifted so it can clear the top of the van as it is swiveled in.

This message has been edited by JackDiebag on Jan 21, 2005 8:50 PM


Stephen Dobson

Re: Responses sent

January 21 2005, 8:48 PM 

I usually just lift mine up like a 6 pack of beer at 5 O'clock on Friday.
One handed.. gallon of releasit and 3 pads in the other.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Jack Diebag

You the Man Steve

January 21 2005, 8:52 PM 

Perhaps I should have labeled this "Behold the Mighty Dobson" (grin)


Current Topic - Lifting the Mighty Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS