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Who do I contact?

January 22 2005 at 7:52 PM


Who do I contact when going to big office buildings? Engineering Dept? What dept is in charge of carpet cleaning?
Been hitting some dead ends lately! They send me to the wrong people.


Clay Carson


January 22 2005, 9:47 PM 

Joe, it depends totally on how the building is owned and managed.

If it's owned by investors who bask in the sun on the French Riviera and use a property management company to handle the carpets, then forget the owners and contact the management company. They more than likely use the janitorial service of the building to do the carpets.

But if the lease is written to force the tenants to provide all the cleaning, then the tenant will be the right contact.

If the property is owned and managed by the end user of the space, like a company that owns it's own building and occupies space in the building, then they are the right company to contact.

Titles that may be correct: Office manager, Facility manager, Engineer, Maintenance Manager, Building and Grounds Dept, or in a small company, it could be one of the executives of the company.

The runaround: Part of the game. Don't take it personally. It aint meant that way.

Derek Beyer

Re: Depends

January 23 2005, 10:42 PM 

in my area it is typically the "Office Manager"...typically, but not always.

as i've said before, when offering my "Free Demo" the receptionist typically provides me with the REAL decision makers name because she now knows that i am offering her company something free and this goes outside her realm of decision making (meaning she isn't as likely to give me the run around).

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Who do I contact?
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