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wondering about Cimex

January 27 2005 at 2:02 PM

Been pondering this for a while, while I don't disagree about Cimex not hurting carpet, compaired to a rotory, The counter rotating system is almost the same as the Aztec stripping machine. Which Aztec claims, because of its same counter-rotating deck design, is more aggressive, than a rotory machine.
I've never used either the Cimex or Aztec, but curious about the claims being the exact opposit about the same set-up.? Ya'all hafta splane it to me.......



Rick Gelinas

Re: wondering about Cimex

January 27 2005, 2:46 PM 


I agree that Aztec's claim is accurate - their machine is MORE AGGRESSIVE. The claim that the Cimex is MORE AGGRESSIVE is also correct. To put it simply, a planetary machine is MORE AGGRESSIVE than a rotary machine. Scrubbing in both directions (clockwise and counter-clockwise) at the same time produces unmatched scrubbing agitation, whether your cleaning a carpet, stripping a floor, or grinding marble/terrazzo/concrete.

At the same time, the planetary design has an interesting side point. Because of it's counter-rotating design it's extremely safe for the fiber. It won't hurt the carpet. Essentially no tip bloom, frayed fiber, or pulled fiber. Yet it still scrubs the fiber superbly! Hence, aggressive agitation doesn't have to come at the expense of damaging the carpet.

Plus a planetary machine is also safer for the operator than a rotary machine. Recall Jay's post below - "Received my rotary shampooer today. Set her up add some encap clean and touched her off. Just about threw me through the fireplace and wall." Not gonna happen with a Cimex. You can turn a Cimex on and walk away from the machine while it sits there running on the carpet.

I hope this splains it clearly enough Brian

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 27, 2005 2:53 PM

Derek Beyer

Re: wondering about Cimex

January 27 2005, 3:31 PM 

i can see why you'd be nervous Brian, but as of yet i haven't damaged any plush carpets and i am not worried that i will.

one fella who used to post here a little bit, Steve Roberts....his father has been using 15" Cimex in the resi arena for years.

Davo Flores

Re: wondering about Cimex

January 27 2005, 4:49 PM 

Part of the reason is the Aztec has 350 pounds sitting on the pads. I don't know what pad pressure a Cimex has, but since it will float it is wholes lots more less, I figger.

Also, you have to figger in the lubrication. Put a rotary on a carpet dry and you might break your wrists. Drop some solution with a thin bonnet and it glides over the surface.

Have you ordered your Cimex yet? I have really enjoyed mine. They are good for us handicapped people.


Re: wondering about Cimex

January 28 2005, 8:10 AM 

Havent got one yet, still have a couple people dealing on buying the business, if they don't I'll prob get one.



Rick Gelinas

Re: wondering about Cimex

January 29 2005, 7:57 AM 

Good post about the Aztec Dave. I agree that you're right on the money about the head weight of the Aztec Sidewinder playing an important role in its performance. Of course weight isn't the only reason that the Sidewinder performs so well. I believe Aztec, Onyx, and others recognized the value of Cimex's planetary design when they copied the planetary approach for their monster strip machines. I also think it's noteworthy that quite a few of the really large marble/concrete grinding machines have copied the planetary design too. It's clear that the planetary action produces more brute scrubbing power than other scrubbing processes. So these companies have borrowed the 70 year old Cimex design for their machines. Smart!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 29, 2005 8:11 AM

Davo Flores

Re: wondering about Cimex

January 31 2005, 4:31 PM 

Rick, you are right. What I thought Brian was asking was how a machine like the Aztec can be so aggressive, yet the Cimex with the same type of drive can be safe to use on carpet. Other variables figure in beyond head pressure and lubrication.

Wouldn't a Cimex be more accurately described as a planetary counter-rotating disk drive? Or better yet, the Cimex has a triple-brush cleaning mechanism which incorporates a contra-rotating planetary drive disc? A rotary has a true planetary drive. Also, I don't think Onyx has a true planetary counter-rotating disk drive as it has a great deal of side pull.

Current Topic - wondering about Cimex
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