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Quarterly Cleaning Contract

January 30 2005 at 9:34 PM
David Edwards  

Does anyone have a copy or sample of a carpet maintenance contract they use and are willing to share? I have several such accounts, some monthly, most quarterly, but all are verbal agreements and I'd like to get them on paper. I'd appreciate any help on this.


Quarterly contract

January 30 2005, 11:18 PM 

I'm with you. I don't have a clue what to put in a contract, but I'd love to have one. I hope someone will post one. Thanks in advance!

Texas Tom

Jay White

Re: Quarterly contract

January 31 2005, 6:03 AM 

Dido, I would like to have a copy as well. Being that most of my current cutomer base is all residential, but looking to expand more into the commercial side of things. Thanks in advance. Jay


George Barnett

Re: Quarterly contract

January 31 2005, 11:34 AM 

Edit to fit your contract

The janitorial service shall be responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of « Customer » as set forth in this proposal. To protect both parties, all services are covered by General Liability Insurance, Workmen's Compensation and all employees are bonded. The janitorial service shall provide it's own cleaning supplies, materials and equipment. « Customer » is responsible for providing hand soap, paper products and trash liners as needed.

For these services, « Customer » shall be billed « Charge » per month for service « Frequency » days per week. This rate shall remain unchanged for 12 months unless an adjustment is agreed to by both parties. Billing is on the 5th of each month for the month of service and your payment is due by the 30th of that month. This agreement shall continue on a month to month basis unless terminated by either party by giving the other 30 days written notice. Your use of our service and your signature below indicates your understanding and agreement to these terms.

Monthly Service Charge: _____________

Service Days Per Week: _____________

Introductory Offer or Initial Cleaning: _____________

Additional Services: _____________

Total Monthly Charge: _____________

Robert Kravitz _____________
(ABC Maintenance Services)

Customer's signature _____________

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative

David Edwards

Re: Quarterly contract

January 31 2005, 5:08 PM 

Thanks, George!

Current Topic - Quarterly Cleaning Contract
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