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Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 5 2005 at 8:03 AM

Joe DeSouza 

Im getting them when I encap residential carpets(using brushes on my cimex) I noticed that its more prominent on newer carpets, some of which were never cleaned before. The fibers clump up within the brushes, and eventually dump everywhere. It can get really bad sometimes, with almost a HANDFUL of fibers on a 900 sqfoot job. I usually go around picking them up, or attempt vacuuming them up (the carpet is not that wet at that point.) Sometimes it gets really bad. Has this happened to anyone, and should I worry about it? (ps the custys are never there when I do it, it is a big exclusive time-share condo with 200 units - I really dont want to HWE them, I priced them LOW for encap, and dont want to drag hoses up the side of the bldg, etc.)




Rick Gelinas

Re: Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 5 2005, 8:42 AM 


Any machine that produces agitation will bring up some staple fiber on a cut pile carpet. For example, if you were to try an OP machine you'd see a lot MORE fuzz. This situation is more prominent on cheaper carpets. The remedy is to do a quick post-vacuum.

P.S. I assume you're using the SOFT 07 brushes aren't you? If I can help you in any way just holler.

Rick Gelinas

David Edwards

Re: Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 5 2005, 9:20 AM 

HWE does it to. Some people call them "dead" fibers. But a TM will pull them out just as well. It's just that you don't see them until you lift the cover of your wastetank and go to empty the strainer. (it's not all pet hair in there!) But have you ever notices that once those "dead" fibers are removed, the carpet has a "sharper" look to it?

Steve Baldonado

Re: Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 5 2005, 3:20 PM 

I have the same problems using pads. But its only bad on cheap grade
carpet. Be careful vacing them up, because its easy to clog up some
vacs. I used an my wifes oreak one time and it clogged fast. My 50 dollar
dirt devil is great for post vacing damp carpet.


Re: Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 5 2005, 6:54 PM 

I was told a long, long time ago, that the 'extra' fibres that I was pulling out, especially on new carpet, was 'packing'.

The mills have this 'packing' in the carpet to help bulk it out, or make it look more plush.

I have taken a rake over new carpet and a lot of fibres have come out of the carpet, just by using the rake.

That (packing), was only an anecdote that was given to me.

I have not seen anything in print with a scientific explanation for it.



Clay Carson

Re: Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 5 2005, 10:09 PM 

Now that you know that this is expected with any agitation brush machine, (my GLS does the same thing, btw), it's up to you to use that knowledge to educate the customer on what to expect.

"The agitation on this machine is so strong and the scrubbing action is so intense it actually pulls up little balls of lint, dust, loose carpet fibers, pet hair, etc. Even right after a careful vacuuming. You could vacuum for an hour before we come, and 20 minutes after we begin, you'll notice little bits of fiber and soils lifted right out of the carpet, no matter how clean you might have thought it was. We're lifting the dirt right out! Trust me, this is a serious cleaning you're getting here!"

It's all in how it's presented in this case.

Derek Beyer

Re: Clumps of Fuzzies!

February 6 2005, 12:04 AM 

great post Clay thanx for the tips

a thorough pre-vac is key especially on these type carpets, granted it will still pull up stuff as was mentioned, but the prevac will get most of it.

i haven't done any jobs that ended up TOO bad with staple fiber lint, but if and when i do i won't use my Dyson since it only has the automatic height adjustment....a better job for the Conquest, i'll manually set the height adjustment high so there's no worries about sucking up moisture.

thanx --- Derek.

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