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Having a good time in Carpet Land

February 7 2005 at 10:00 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I am on a trip to Dalton Georgia. Arrived this morning. I'm here for a workshop that John Downey is putting on that's geared toward "facilities maintenance".

Today we toured one of Shaw's plants. Carpet mills are always a fascinating thing to see. Then we spent the late afternoon at Shaw's testing labs - VERY IMPRESSIVE. We got a tour of the test areas by Carey Mitchell. I also had a brief visit with Ken Padgett and the very sweet Cindy Sayer. Great people who are dedicated to our industry!

Tomorrow we will be in the workshop. I think it should be pretty interesting. Knowledge is a good thing.

BTW Beth, Nancy, and Karina are in the office - so your orders will be taken care of while I'm away

Y'all behave while I'm away - I'll be checking in on you. How do ya like that? I even said "y'all". Dalton is rubbing off on me.

Rick Gelinas


Stephen Dobson

Re: Having a good time in Carpet Land

February 7 2005, 11:26 PM 

Enjoy the visit rick.
Bring us back some goodies..


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: Having a good time in Carpet Land

February 8 2005, 12:58 AM 

Have a great trip, always nice to get away and see such intersting things. I would love to get to go into a plant like that.

And Y'all better behave too....


Re: Having a good time in Carpet Land

February 8 2005, 8:59 AM 

Have had the opportunity to take that tour while attending a ISCT convention. It is a great education in what is invovled in manufacturing carpets.


Patrick Matte

Re: Having a good time in Carpet Land

February 8 2005, 12:30 PM 

Hey Rick,you're only about an hour or so north of me.If you planned it right,we could've got together all of the regional Cimex owners and had a fiesta!


comming back through McDonough

February 8 2005, 8:31 PM 

Rick, when are you comming thru McDonough on your way back to Florida. I will drive out to I-75 and buy you a cup of coffee, let me know.


Rick Gelinas

I'd love to see some of my Georgia friends :-)

February 8 2005, 11:23 PM 

Patrick and Ray I would really love to see both of you. Here are my plans for tomorrow - WEDNESDAY. I'll be leaving Dalton by about 1PM. Patrick could I see you around 1-2? Then I'll need to make some other stops as I'm heading back to the airport in Atlanta. Maybe I could get to stop and see Mark Stanley too. Ray could I meet up with you around dinner time? (I'll take you and your lovely wife to dinner). There are some good guys in Georgia! I need to get to the airport around 7:30. Please call me on my cell phone 727-776-1597.

Shaw technical services is awesome. They are really doing a lot to improve our industry. And the workshop today with John Downey was excellent too. We also went to Shaw's Design center today - my land it was posh! It was gorgeous. It's back to more classes in the morning. And then the ride down to Atlanta. It's been a great trip.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 8, 2005 11:59 PM

Anthony Palmer

Re: I'd love to see some of my Georgia friends :-)

February 10 2005, 6:15 PM 

Man I wish I could have gotten to meet you Rick


Re: I'd love to see some of my Georgia friends :-)

February 10 2005, 10:27 PM 

I think it is time for a Cimex Owners Mini Fest.


Rick Gelinas

Re: I'd love to see some of my Georgia friends :-)

February 11 2005, 10:16 AM 

I think that's a great idea Ray! I'm going to toss that one around. But I don't think it would be a MINI-fest - there are too many to call it that.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Having a good time in Carpet Land
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