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Sour Grapes!

February 9 2005 at 10:09 PM

I have been removed from the VLM board. I posted that I was not going to post there anymore, but I intended to be a lurker. That was not very kind. I was not telling anyone not to post there, but to remove me completly for no reason was not in the best interest and harmony of the VLM industry.

Derek Beyer

Re: Sour Grapes!

February 9 2005, 11:59 PM 

ouch, very sorry and surprised to hear that Rambo

was hopin you'd change your mind, guess that can't happen now. glad your here though!!

respectfully --- Derek.

Mark Dullea

Re. Grapes

February 10 2005, 6:22 AM 

Please feel free to lurk& post at The Challenger Forum. Your expertise
would be greatly valued. Find it at
There is a Forum click-thru button near the bottom of the home page.

Mark Dullea

Donald- Eldred

Re: Re. Grapes

February 10 2005, 8:53 AM 

Don't worry, welcome to real low moisture board.


Re: Re. Grapes

February 10 2005, 9:34 PM 

Thanks Don


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re. Grapes

February 11 2005, 9:53 AM 

That sounds like a large error in judgement to me Ray. You were the one carrying that message board. You posted more than anyone else and provided a lot of helpful insight. All I can say is that I'm sorry to hear that someone made the decision to axe you. Not too bright. And I am glad to see you posting here.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Re. Grapes

February 11 2005, 1:56 PM 

i thought the entire LMCCA board had to vote on decisions like that.?. if not maybe it should be done that way in fairness to all.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Re. Grapes

February 11 2005, 8:46 PM 

And to think I am the only Honorary Lifetime Member of the LMCCA. I have to agree with Derek on this one. Thanks Rick and I sure do like this board.

Current Topic - Sour Grapes!
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