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Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 10 2005 at 12:35 AM
Derek Beyer  

finally tested my new large tires, WOW what a difference. i would say it is a solid 60-65% easier to pull the 'Mex up a flight of steps now. i wasn't even breathing heavy after pulling it up 14 steps, and my heart is not in the best of shape.

actually, i now find that going down the steps is harder than going up. the reason is that with the larger air-filled tires, the machine COULD really get away from you if your not careful. the thing looks really cool with those big mudders on to! gotta get some pics and post them, been slacking lately.

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, when i say 60-65% easier, i am talking about steps with the "nose" that protrudes out, making it hard to impossible to pull a stock Cimex up.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Feb 10, 2005 12:39 AM

Bo Newman

Re: Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 10 2005, 8:50 PM 

How big are your tires, Derek? Are they so big they don't rest on the stair with real security? If they're above l4" they may make it easy to go up but nothing to hold the Cimex going down.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 10 2005, 10:03 PM 

An hour a day lifting weights.. PRICELESS>

just kidding.

Congrats on the new tires. Jack Diebag is doing the same.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Derek Beyer

Re: Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 10 2005, 10:18 PM 

Bo, i believe they are 13.75". they do sit on the step, but with momentum going down it could be potentially scary if your not careful. heck i will take it though, getting it up the steps is my only concern...if need be, i can leave the big tires off for the ride back down lol.

Jack must love his to.

thanx --- Derek.

Clay Carson

Re: Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 11 2005, 6:27 PM 

Derek -

OK, now we are officially jealous!

Derek Beyer

Re: Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 11 2005, 8:12 PM 

lol, you kiddin? no reason to be Clay

is simple, fast (took me half and hour) and cheap (i did it for around $40.00) to do. if you have any questions on how to do it feel free to email me. Bo's explanation covers it well.

thanx --- Derek.

Bo Newman

Re: Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE

February 12 2005, 3:11 PM 

As far as going down the stairs, the secret is simply being careful, at least that is my belief.
Your tires are not too big, but you might want to check the air in the tires. I believe that real low pressure is the best bet - about three pounds. That enables the tire to give a bit when going over stairs and it will sit on the steps a bit more solidly - no bouncing, more of a settling in, a smoother ascent and descent.
If you're already doing that, then you're set. If anybody has any other experience, please share it.

Current Topic - Pulling the Cimex up a flight of steps with EASE
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