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February 10 2005 at 6:32 PM


Welcome Home
Please expound on the workshop that John Downey put on toward "facilities maintenance".

Hope all is well!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Shaw

February 10 2005, 9:34 PM 

Thanks for the welcome Tad. Here are some pictures showing a little of what we did...


I had a great time.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Shaw

February 10 2005, 10:25 PM 

Thanks Rick, I had to laugh at the "mill pictures" On my first Mill Tour in the early 80's I was visiting the J&J mill in Dalton and as they were showing us a new extruder, I wipped out a new small camera from my suit coat pocket to take a few pictures and they freaked out. I had to open the camera and hand over the film immediately and to pick up my camera on the way out. Needless to say they were not very happy with me. They did let me finish the tour but they never took their eyes off me.

Derek Beyer

Re: Shaw

February 10 2005, 10:26 PM 

so Rick, you will be selling the S.D.'s? or did you mean using them in your own biz?

any specs on these new models? when would you use them over Encap? are they for commercial only, or for resi also?

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, what'll the sticker price be?

David Hebert

Re: Shaw

February 11 2005, 7:22 AM 

We use Demons in both commercial and residental settings.
I am looking foward to getting the new 15 inch model I feel it will work better then the classic in the residental setting.

Glad to see you did not get lost on the way home Rick

RIck I have pics of the classic if you would like me to email them to you.

IT was another great seminar at Shaws



Rick Gelinas

Steamin Demon

February 11 2005, 9:43 AM 

David it was a PLEASURE getting to meet you. I still owe you a dinner since I got us lost on the way from the airport. David arrived at the Atlanta airport at about the same time that I did. We met each other in the rental car limo van. So David followed me on the way up to Dalton. I think I should have been following him, because I totally missed the turn off. So we happily drove 50 miles in the wrong direction before we stopped and figured out where I had made a mistake. Doh!

Derek the new 20" XL20 will work extremely well for anybody doing commercial carpet cleaning who wants to periodically perform extraction cleaning. The Steamin Demon is all about water flow, lots of water flow. That's why they call it "High Flow Extraction". At 3-4 gallons of water per minute, not even a truckmount can rival the flushing capability of a Steamin Demon. And since it can be challenging or even impossible to run hoses in many commercial settings, a portable unit is often required. The problem is that portables can't efficiently flush the carpet very well at all.

So to answer your question Derek. Yes, we'll be adding the Steamin Demon to our cleaning arsenal. Like I've always said, tools are good! And we'll also be selling the Steamin Demon. Both of my businesses are primarily about commercial carpet care. Kleenstep Inc provides commercial carpet cleaning, and Excellent Supply Inc sells commercial carpet cleaning products. So it all fits together. BTW I ordered one of the prototype models of the new XL20 yesterday. So we'll begin putting it to work in a few days.

As David said above, the new 15" Steamin Demon will work perfectly for residential applications. In fact one of our customers is presently doing top dollar work using the original Steamin Demon model (now called the Classic) along with his 15" Cimex machine. His company has locked up some very HIGH END residential business. They specialize in cleaning exclusive town homes, condominiums, and gated residential communities. He cleans a lot of million dollar plus homes. In these upscale communities a noisy truckmount outside with hoses running to the building is not desirable. So his company goes in and pre-scrubs with a 15" Cimex, and then they rinse with the 15" Steamin Demon. His company commands crazy high prices. And they don't need to advertise because their clients refer business to them.

Another interesting fact is that the Steamin Demon is the ONLY machine that Shaw has ever endorsed by name. They were so impressed with the Steamin Demon that they made an exception to their policy of not naming equipment. Shaw is all for high flow extraction. It's a sound approach for extraction cleaning in the commercial setting. Obviously, a truckmount is the most popular tool for residential cleaning. However the extraction tools that have been used to clean commercial carpet have left a lot to be desired. That's where the Steamin Demon comes in. Shaw sees the value of high flow extraction and so do I.

Now let's look at what we'll have here. Put together a Cimex and Releasit and you've got the BEST encapsulation system that you can buy. Add a Steamin Demon and you now have a COMPLETE maintenance system for commercial carpet care. Perfection! If the extraction cleaning produces a wicking problem - it's easy to fix it with encapsulation. It's the best of both worlds. Encapsulation for normal commercial cleaning and high high flow extraction when flushing would be beneficial.

Beginning in April the new XL20 and the XL15 machines will be ready to roll. Stay tuned

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 11, 2005 9:48 AM

David Hebert

Re: Steamin Demon

February 11 2005, 10:32 AM 

I totally agree with you Rick
We will be ordering out XL 15 this week

Althought we use Cylindrical brush machines I am interested in the
15 inch version. We do a lot of buildings that are tight areas wich is why i use
the brush system with the Demon now.


steamin demon

February 11 2005, 1:22 PM 

I was wondering since the flow is so high and it connects to the customers faucet wont you eventually run out of hot water? I can see the application for commercial but,I would like to know what has been the response from custys in the residential setting.Personally I think it is a sweet piece of equipment from what I have seen and heard .

David Hebert

Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 1:34 PM 

Ron I have rarely ran out of hot water in a Res setting. Heat is not as big of a deal when you have that much flow. expecially if you are aggitating the prespray in.

Comments from clients. WOW all that dirt is in my carpeting. How long will it take the carpets to dry. WOW they are almost dry already.
We have been cleaning with the Demon in a Residential setting for about 5 years + now and I have not had anyone complain to me about it.

WE have a TM and been running it for about 3 years, several have complained about hoses running out of the house in the winter and the noise of the TM.

The van my TM is in as about dead we will not be getting a new one I see no need for it.


Derek Beyer

Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 1:53 PM 

ok so the S.D. hooks up straight to a faucet via a hose? or is there a solution tank? also what about the recovery water, is there a tank or does it go straight to the toilet via another hose?

if hoses are used, how will this work in the commercial arena, you'd have some pretty looong hose runs no?

as far as the vacuum, how many vac motors does it have and what size are they? and how many cords? is tripping breakers a real concern? with such high output of water, i would think the vac power would have to be pretty HUGE to dry the carpets out anytime soon.

also is there any agitation going on under the machine? or is it just spray and suck.

thanx for the feedback --- Derek.

David Hebert

Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 3:53 PM 

There is no solution tank on the Demon.

There is a small revovery tank on the machine with an auto pump out in the revovery tank. When the float gets so high the water is pumped out Via the waste hoses to a set sink or toilet.
You can go up to 250 feet away from the water source with out a problem.(I have gone to 300) IF you need to go farher there is also a dule discharge model. One High powered vac motor is in Demon. The motor has 101 CFM and 135 HG.Remember that you are only moving the water 8 inchs from the carpet to the recovery tank. This means all the power of the vac is going right to the carpet and not through hoses.
I can tell you that I have three Demons I use now
and the new versions have more power then before due to the new vac moters.

The Demon will only use 13.7 amps. One power cord and two water hoses one to fill one to dump the are both in a vinal case.
The classic only weights 31.5 pounds the XL 15 is 34 pounds and the XL 20 AKA Beast weight 36 pounds. I have never tripped any breakes with the Demon

There is no brushs on the Demon.

Hope this helps


Rick Gelinas

Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 4:02 PM 

Thank you for that clear explanation David. I can tell that you certainly know the Steamin Demon inside out and that you're excited about these machines.

Here's a spec sheet for the classic Steamin Demon. This should help to provide some additional info...

Steamin Demon Spec Sheet 1

Steamin Demon Spec Sheet 2

Rick Gelinas


Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 4:03 PM 

Thanks for your respose David I am totally intrigued by this machine.I saw the spec for the ones that you have on their website and am looking forward to seeing the specs for the new one . Also thanks for letting me know about customer reaction.I am learning more and more that custys want clean carpet period.I can see awesome advantages to the sd and I bet the maintenance is very low .

This message has been edited by rmarkam on Feb 11, 2005 4:06 PM

Derek Beyer

Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 4:29 PM 

CRYSTAL clear explanation David, thanx

sounds pretty cool. i am familiar with HWE, but this sounds like a new ballgame to me. so the 1 vac motor does the trick because no hoses to lose suction....makes sense.

David, do you find the carpets are as dry as a TM? or more like a Portable? how fast are your dry times on a typical nylon plush? and on a berber?

wow these machines are lightweight! thats a nice change. i see it has the capability to hook up a wand or upholstery tool for furniture and areas the SD wont fit or can't reach, how often do you need to edge rooms with a wand David? how's the suction for upholstery, browning more of a concern? i am guessing it is key to use the shortest hose lengths possible to increase suction.

also, how much of a "problem" is it in the resi arena, when you need to hook-up to the homeowners hot water faucet and toilet? they ever give you a hard time about that?

thanx for the info David --- Derek.

David Hebert

Re: steamin demon

February 11 2005, 5:28 PM 

My dry times are any where from 1 to 3 hours on most carpets.
Dry times is one reason we have sold many to Time Share resorts and universities

I rarely have to do any edging at all, there are two reasons for this.
One I always prevac and use an agitation device.
Two the Demons vac shoe. It goes to the side of the
Machine about and inch or so this means it gets rite to the edge.

I’ll post a link to my web site of jobs I have done with the Demon soon as I can so
You can see what the Demon can do.

We have done lots of UPH with the Demon and have never had a problem.
I use an enclosed jet tool to clean UPH. As far as length goes I believe my hose it 15 or 20 feet. The suction is plenty fine and does a great job.

I have never had a problem with any home owner in regards to using their hot water or sink. The pumped out water is filtered before it gets to the toilet or sink so it
is not like dumping sludge in the sink or toilet. I just make sure I clean the
sink or toilet when I am done.

In some ways it is a marketing piece. I mean the seeing the dirty water
Either in the window of the Demon or view hoses, or in the sink and the toilet
clients see this grunge and go ewe my that was in my carpeting.

As far as maintenance goes, rinse out the filters and waste tank after each day
Make sure there are no clogs in the vac shoe wipe it down. Change the cloth filter if you have the XL versions and that is about it unless you want to spray some WD40 in the vac orifice takes me about 5 minutes a night.

Clay Carson

Re: Steamin Demon

February 11 2005, 6:26 PM 

Hey Dave! Good to hear you from!

Folks, Steamin Demon is an extraction tool on steroids!

I've seen Dave do a demo on it - you do not need the heat of HWE at the rate that thing is pushing and pulling the water out.

Despite how much water goes in, so much comes out that the carpet is nearly dry when done! Dry times are faster than traditional hot water extraction.

Good luck!


Re: Steamin Demon

February 11 2005, 8:41 PM 

Oh No! When Rick gets excited about a product, he will promote the heck out of it and the price will rise. I think he is a young "Dave Oreck" LOL

Bo Newman

Re: Steamin Demon

February 14 2005, 11:33 AM 

With all this flushing going on, it sounds like you wouldn't need to pre-vac. True or not?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Steamin Demon

February 14 2005, 12:41 PM 

It's still always recommended to pre vacuum according to the IICRC standard. If we're to believe the old industry standard that 79% of the soil in a carpet is dry soil, then it's obviously easier to work at removing it before adding water. As my IICRC instructor explained it many years ago, it's easier to shake sand out of a dry bathing suit than a wet bathing suit. Ouch! It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about that.

Rick Gelinas


Give Downey's Credit

February 18 2005, 12:10 AM 

The Downey's have never given up on their machine. The new machine looks smooth with great lines compared to the older model.
I met Mike Downey about 14 years ago when he personaly toured the USA giving Demos at customer sites. They believed in their machine then and still do. A true study of hope, faith and never giving up.

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