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February 14 2005 at 8:28 PM

This board is getting a little techno-weenie, so I am going to post some of my Rambo-lings, let me know what you think, and would you like me to continue these or my "One Second Sermons" series.*** Social Security is fine; just make the retirement age 95.*** If teenagers were mature enough to abstain from sex, they would be more grown up than most adults.*** Prince Charles and horesface marries another. Just be glad they're too old to have kids.*** I ain't no eye doctor (can't spell that other word) but that Prince Charles feller must have something right serious going on with his peepers.*** Goodbye, jazz great Jimmy Smith. Say hello to Ray Charles for me.


Derek Beyer

i am

February 15 2005, 1:58 AM 

just too young to appreciate the humour --- Derek.

David Haverman

Re: i am

February 15 2005, 3:13 PM 

Ray, I have heard that Prince Charly puts his beer goggels on before he goes to bed.
(I,ll explain it to you Derek,if you ask me nicely)


This message has been edited by davidhaverman on Feb 15, 2005 3:14 PM


Re: i am

February 15 2005, 7:34 PM 

David, talk real slow and tell it twice, sorry Derek, I couldn't resist.


Re: i am

February 15 2005, 7:38 PM 

David, talk real slow and tell it twice, sorry Derek, I couldn't resist.

Current Topic - Rambo-lings
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