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desired light foam and different carpets

February 19 2005 at 12:30 AM

Jay Schonts  

Is there any one reason why one or two carpets were difficult when trying to achieve a very light foam? It's happened a couple times now both on commercial carpet. I'm certain it was mixed properly as the jobs were large and I refilled more than once etc..I didn't leave the cap off the Releasit or anything because I would use more, say a day later, and it would be fine. Not only wasn't the desired foam there, neither was the appearance.

Just for reference I have cleaned a job or 2 where the grease was so thick you could not see the fibers in some areas. You could dig your fingernail into it. Yea, yuk. The Cimex chewed it up and when I went back 3 months later, I was amazed at how good they still looked. I guess I'm getting frustrated over my personal mixed results.



Rick Gelinas

Re: desired light foam and different carpets

February 19 2005, 8:10 AM 


Oils in the carpet are the biggest contributor to a reduction in the foaming. Water hardness is another factor. Certain conditions may produce some slight variables in foaming, yet as a rule you're going to see Encap-Clean producing a light smooth foam pretty consistently.

Rick Gelinas


Jay Schonts

Re: desired light foam and different carpets

February 19 2005, 3:34 PM 

Thanks Rick. This particular place I cleaned got off their cleaning schedule due to money. They hadn't been cleaned since November and I've never used the Mex on them. Without going into too much detail, the organic oils that are present backs up what you said. I will have to keep it in mind. Thanks.


This message has been edited by Jay_Schonts on Feb 19, 2005 3:36 PM

Donald- Eldred

Re: desired light foam and different carpets

February 20 2005, 9:35 AM 

Adding to what Rick said, I think you will find a difference in the way these products form a film on different fibers. We find that on olifin it does not form a film as easily as on nylon fibers. The forming of a film on the carpet is not all that important, after a while you learn how much detergent to apply to the carpet so use your experience as to how much moisture you apply to any carpet.

Current Topic - desired light foam and different carpets
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS