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The Importance of "Return Visits"

February 21 2005 at 9:24 PM

I don't post all that often, but I read every post.I wanted to share a recent experience I had, that you might find encouraging.I bought my Cimex two years ago, and Rick has patiently helped and advised me on how to get commercial work. One thing he has mentioned fairly often is to make routine return visits on building managers, maint. supervisors , decision makers, who might have put you off several times. I had made several calls on a particular ops manager for a large commercial developer, who had always put me off. I recently decided to drop in with a dozen Krispy Kremes and say "HI".To my surprise, he was not only polite,he seemed happy to see me (or the dough nuts.)He gave me a list of offices he wanted common areas cleaned monthly.So maybe it was good timing, or not giving up, or the doughnuts or a combination but the persistance has paid off. I have found a certain level of success by continuing to make a list of "return visits" and continueing to make call on them.Sorry to ramble on , but I was pretty happy with this experience.
Craig W.


Rick Gelinas

Re: The Importance of "Return Visits"

February 21 2005, 10:15 PM 


Congratulations. "Return visits" lead to good things.

With regards to selling... I once approached a decision maker SEVERAL times. I couldn't get to first base. Then out of the blue, one day I walked in and BAMM he said "can you do a store for us tonight?" SURE! That lead to an 18 year account that averaged $700 a week.

So pick your target and don't give up. A lot of this has to do with timing. They're not likely looking for a carpet cleaner right when you initially approach them. But if you stay in front of them, eventually they're gonna need cleaning. And who better to scratch that itch when the time comes than that nice guy who has stopped in and left a dozen business cards with the receptionist? Persistence pays off.

Keep up the good work

Rick Gelinas

John Long

Re: The Importance of "Return Visits"

February 21 2005, 10:37 PM 

What a curious term for your sales calls..."Return Visits"! Nice reframe!

Regular return visits result in more...uh...customers!

John L.

Derek Beyer

Re: The Importance of "Return Visits"

February 21 2005, 10:42 PM 

thanx for the update Craig W. good reminder for me to make more RV's to the bigger building maintenance heads.

good ole RV's, gotta love'm

thanx --- Derek.


Re: The Importance of "Return Visits"

February 22 2005, 1:10 PM 

A office manager that we have dealt with for many a year told me that the day Women got into sales was a disaster to him. Men would call on him and he would brush them off, never to see them again, Women on the other hand kept coming in every couple of weeks until he findly gave in and ordered something from them, so it does take several calls before you may even get to talk to the person you need to get to. Persistance is the key!

Mark Dullea

Return Visits

February 22 2005, 4:45 PM 

Now if there were a place where you could load up on both Krispy Kreme donuts
(great donuts/lousy coffee) and Dunkin Donuts coffee (great coffee/mediocre
donuts) these guys would be putty in our hands.

Bill Calvert

Re: Return Visits

March 3 2005, 4:43 PM 

That is a good thing to do, RV's or as I they used to call them "back calls". Ive found it impreeses the clients and refreshes their senses seeing or talking with you again and this tends to keep them in their mind better for next time as well as for referrals.

Current Topic - The Importance of "Return Visits"
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