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Okay....enough of this already!

February 22 2005 at 3:37 PM
Kevin Jones 

I have come to the decision that we who are using encapsulation technology, along with the Cimex, need to stop bragging so much on other BBs about how great it is. If we keep this up, these MMMs are gonna catch on and go in and try to take all our business. Rick, I'm sorry, but you're just gonna have to settle for us small time boys and girls! Seriously, I got a call today on one I did Friday night that I had previously hwe. They were calling to rant and rave over how beautiful the carpet looked and how it was the best it had looked in a long time! I sure do hear that alot with this here encapusululation!
As always, great product Rick! And I was just kidding about not talking about it.

Kevin Jones

P. S. (As Steve Toburen does on I did that demo at the place I emailed you about (not saying the name only because I don't wanna jinx myself) and not only the manager, but the staff was shocked! It helped that it was just cleaned 2 weeks ago, and a week after I encapped the demo area, it still looked great! The DM was supposed to come today (Tuesday) and I am supposed to call the manager tomorrow afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

P. P. S. As far as Steve Toburen, that was a "fun" pick at him. I have come to respect his knowledge and willingness to help the rest of us.

Current Topic - Okay....enough of this already!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS