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Hotel Rooms

February 23 2005 at 5:38 PM

I haven't prepared any proposals for hotels in a while. Wondering what is
the range of what people are charging for standard Holiday Inn/Days Inn-type
of hotel rooms these days.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hotel Rooms

February 23 2005, 6:59 PM 

About $5 per room is generally the going rate around here.

Not worth bothering with IMHO. I'd suggest going for the choice accounts and leave the junk for the guys who can't figure it out

Rick Gelinas


Re: Hotel Rooms

February 23 2005, 9:23 PM 

10 years ago we had 3 Marriott hotels,2 Courtyards and 1 Fairfield under contract at $26 for Marriott down to $18 for Fairfield. We would do about 20 to 30 rooms twice a month. We did this for about 8 years and it was our choice to leave as the Atlanta congestion made it avg. 3 hrs. travel time to and return. They were very profitable and we had it down to a science (time wise) Average time was 3 to 5 minutes per room. Of course we did the Banquet rooms, halls and furniture on request. We never went after the cheap hotel/motels as Rick was right on target about the price and the mind set.

Derek Beyer

Re: Hotel Rooms

February 24 2005, 1:55 AM 

Rambo's pricing from 10 years ago is what i've found works for myself now lol. it's for a "high-end" Hotel. i'll take it.

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Dullea

Re. Hotel Rooms

February 25 2005, 10:05 AM 

Thanks for the input.

Greg Loe

Re: Re. Hotel Rooms

February 28 2005, 6:30 PM 

We've got a guy doing it for $3 a room in my area

Current Topic - Hotel Rooms
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