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Cleaning residentials

March 4 2005 at 7:32 PM

What method works best for you when cleaning residentials with the Cimex??

eg; Do you go around the perimeter of the room first, or backwards and forwards, wall to wall??

I am going to do a house this week-end, it's empty, I will be on my own and the first time using a 'Mex; so I would just like some pointers as to how to go about it.

Thanks for any help given.




Re: Cleaning residentials

March 4 2005, 8:17 PM 

Hey Shorty, Hope things down under are going well for you. I would clean into the rooms, keeping the cord behind you always. Clean in straight lines like running a lawnmower. You are going to rake/groom afterwards anyway, If you are a little bored, write your name in a room with the Mex, in other words, Have Fun!


Re: Cleaning residentials

March 4 2005, 8:42 PM 

Thanks Ray, so I just go straight forward, turn off the juice, then bring the Mex; backwards again??

(Things are great here, I'm so happy I could just *hit. LOL.

Write MY name in the carpet, that WOULD be short).

Really looking forward to getting into some big stuff with this 'Yella Fella'.

I was immediately impressed with it when I had a small trial run in Vegas with Rick.

Just been waiting for our guy to get up my way to get the full guts on it all. Well, he does live 1,100 miles south of me.

He got here yesterday, but unfortunately, had to fly back south last night, leaving me with his van and trailer full of goodies.

Said I could give the Mex; a run over the week-end.

When he gets back, we're going into some large jobs to trial and quote.

Just wish I was forty years younger and starting out, the opportunities are endless.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Mar 4, 2005 8:38 PM

Derek Beyer

Re: Cleaning residentials

March 5 2005, 12:58 AM 

hiyas Shorty

so I just go straight forward, turn off the juice, then bring the Mex; backwards again??

not to answer for Ray, but yes you have it right. and like Ray said, working into the rooms is easiest.....not like HWE where you typically work towards yourself.

you using pads or brushes? you will get better & faster results with pads on anything but lightly soiled carpet.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Cleaning residentials
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