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" In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" -- Not CC

March 9 2005 at 3:16 AM
Derek Beyer  

a little trivia.

what does this expression refer to, "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb"?

anyone know? i think i have it but my better half thinks i'm wrong.

thanx --- Derek.

Charles Carlisle

Re: " In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" -- Not CC

March 9 2005, 7:10 AM 


Don Eldred

Re: " In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" -- Not CC

March 9 2005, 8:16 AM 

I hope that it holds true, because it is darn cold here to-day, way too cold for this time of year in the Toronto area. With wind chill it is minus 24c.


Re: " In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" -- Not CC

March 9 2005, 6:52 PM 

I have always understood the expression to mean March weather. The first part of March can be cold and very windy, later on it calms down and become "lamb like", peaceful.
Just my two cents. Craig



March 9 2005, 9:33 PM 

P.S. It could be Isaiah 11: 6, 7.

Derek Beyer

Re: P.S.

March 10 2005, 2:16 AM 

thanx fellas March is what i was referring to. the missus didn't believe anything til she asked her grandma lol.

thanx --- Derek.

Charles Carlisle

Re: " In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" -- Not CC

March 10 2005, 8:10 AM 

From what I remember, this proverb is one of probably a hundred similar proverbs relating to the weather, and most are several hundreds of years old - in fact this one dates to around the early 1600's - long before CNN or the Weather Channel. LOL

Such proverbs are more common in the day-to-day language in Britain than they are over here, as for example this one relates to the northern half of the hemisphere moreso than the southern part. But in England, it's use has become a part of the vernacular; I remember this proverb being touted by several British ladies when referring to the prowess (or lack thereof) of the British male in matter of sex...go figure!

Current Topic - " In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb" -- Not CC
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